
  • 网络lightweight wall
  1. 应用高掺量煤灰复合的新型水泥基材,采用煤矸石轻集料,介绍了高掺量粉煤灰&煤矸石ALC新型轻质墙体的制备,并对此板系进行经济指标分析。

    The article introduces the preparation of a new-type lightweight wall of large quantity powdered coal ash & coal gangue ALC , and makes economical indicator analysis of these board series .

  2. 轻质墙体裂缝的原因及防止措施

    Causes and preventive measures of cracks on lightweight wall

  3. 适用于所有大帐篷结构,我们的轻质墙体系统集成的ABS的固体快捷,易于安装。

    Available on all big tent structures , our lightweight integrated ABS solid walling system is quick and easy to install .

  4. 在综合分析BIF尾矿基本特性的基础上,以BIF尾矿为主要原料,选择不同的粘结剂制备轻质墙体材料。

    Based on the comprehensive analysis of their basic properties , BIF tailings were used to make light wall materials with different binders .

  5. 轻质墙体加网防裂的作法比较与选择

    Methods comparison and selection of light wall crack prevention with mesh

  6. 轻质墙体表面抹灰技术研究

    Study on the Plastering Technique to the Light Weight Wall Surface

  7. 轻质墙体材料上抹灰质量通病的预防措施

    Measures to prevent the common plastering quality defects of light-weight walling material

  8. 免蒸压粉煤灰轻质墙体材料的试验研究

    The Experiment Research of the Non-autoclaved Fly-ash Light Wall Material

  9. 在轻质墙体材料上抹灰的技术措施

    Technological measures for mortaring plaster on the light-weight wall material

  10. 浇注成型法制磷石膏轻质墙体砖的研究

    Study on the Casting Moulding Preparing Phosphogypsum Lightweight Wall-Bricks

  11. 新型轻质墙体材料的性能测试和有限元分析

    Performance Testing and Finite Element Analysis of a New Type Light-weight Wall Material

  12. 浅谈轻质墙体隔声性能存在的问题及对策

    Brief Discussion of Problems and Strategies With Air-borne Sound Insulation of Light-weight Wall

  13. 羊草沟煤矿煤矸石的煅烧特性及制作轻质墙体材料研究

    A study on the calcined characteristics of gangue and making light wall material

  14. 利用提钾废渣制备膨胀珍珠岩轻质墙体材料

    Preparation of lightweight wall materials based on inflated pearlite from colloidal aluminosilicate waste residue

  15. 粉煤灰轻质墙体材料研究

    Study of light wall material used fly-ash

  16. 轻质墙体抹灰裂缝的探讨

    On cracks in plaster of lightweight wall

  17. 本文研究了水泥基轻质墙体材料的收缩与膨胀性能。

    The properties of shrinkage and expansion of cement-based light weight wall materials has been studied .

  18. 本文还通过电镜照片对水泥基轻质墙体材料的收缩与膨胀机理进行了初步探讨。

    The mechanism of shrinkage and expansion in light-weight wall materials was preliminarily discussed by SEM .

  19. 提出了相变轻质墙体冬季采暖工况使用效果的评价指标。

    Put forward the evaluation index for PCM lightweight wall usage effect in passive solar building .

  20. 研究结果表明,磷石膏经适当方法预处理后可用于制备磷石膏轻质墙体砖。

    The results show that phosphogypsum can be used for preparing lightweight wall-bricks after being properly pretreated .

  21. 通过掺加添加剂,有效地改善了轻质墙体材料通常存在的收缩率大的缺点。

    It has been improved the disadvantage of large shrinkage-rate in light-weight wall materials by adding additive .

  22. 高裂度区框架&核心筒结构设计中轻质墙体的应用与分析

    The Application and Analysis of the light wall in Framework-the core tube structure design of High-intensity areas

  23. 钢丝网架聚苯乙烯夹心板是一种性能优良的轻质墙体材料,具有诸多优点。

    The plate made of wire gauze with polystyrene is a good lightweight wallboard material with many merits .

  24. 这种墙体解决了轻质墙体抹灰开裂、空鼓和裂缝等通病,具有施工工艺简单、操作方便等优点。

    This kind of lightweight wall had the advantages of simple construction and operation , not splitting and clicking .

  25. 若将传统的剪力墙方案改为短肢剪力墙结构,合理地减少墙体用量,对于结构上需要的长肢墙,也可采用开洞使之成为短肢剪力墙,然后再用轻质墙体材料作为填充。

    If general shear wall design plans are changed into the structure with Short-limbed wall , and the numbers of shear wall may be reduced reasonably .

  26. 介绍该墙板的材料构成及技术性能,通过与其他轻质墙体材料的比较,对其经济和社会效益作了分析。

    The material and technical performance of the wall board are described and its economic and social benefits are analyzed by comparison with other light weight wall materials .

  27. 异形柱框架结构具有室内无突出棱角、增加使用面积等优点,当配合轻质墙体材料使用时,还可节约耕地、减轻建筑物自重。

    The specially shaped column frame structure system is used widely for its merits , such as the none prominent angularities indoors so that the usable area can be enlarged .

  28. 在加层设计中,有效地运用了轻钢结构体系、轻质墙体和橡胶垫隔震层来减轻震动的作用。

    And in the design of the additional layer of the noise-damping tower , the light-weight steel framework , the light-weight wall body and the rubber isolating layer are adopted to extenuate the shaking .

  29. 根据结构被动调谐质量减震的基本原理,将隔震支座运用到工业厂房的加层设计中,同时,在设计中有效运用轻钢结构体系和轻质墙体,为类似工程设计提供参考。

    On the , basis of the fundamental principle of shocking abatement by structure passive turned mass , we use laminated rubber bearing isolator and light-gauge steel construction in a adding top storey design , which can be referred for the similar project design .

  30. 通过用四种不同类型抹灰砂浆按照基层润湿程度的不同和底层与面层抹灰的间隔时间不同,在两种轻质墙体材料上的抹灰试验,确定了合适的砂浆类型及施工技术。

    By the plastering experiment to the two type light weight wall surface , which using four different type mortar according to different moist degree and different interval time of plastering between coat surface and priming-coat surface , the suitable mortar type and construction technique are got .