
  • 网络waterproof coating;Hydrophobic coating
  1. 合成增稠剂在防水涂层整理中的应用

    Application of synthetic thickeners to waterproof coating

  2. 从设计、土建施工、管器安装等方面分析了卫生间出现渗漏的原因,并提出了相应的渗漏预防措施,并对防水涂层的施工效果进行了蓄水试验,以保证卫生间的防水施工质量。

    From design , construction , pipe installation and other aspects reasons caused the leakage of toilet are analyzed ; at the same time corresponding prevention and treatment measures are proposed . Storing water test is made to evaluate the treatment effect of waterproof coating to ensure waterproofing construction quality .

  3. 它的机身采用了雕刻的金刚玻璃(Gorillaglass,新型高强度耐刮擦玻璃译注),坚韧的凯夫拉纤维(Kevlar,高强度合成纤维译注)机壳以及防水涂层。

    Its case uses sculpted gorilla glass , a tough Kevlar backing and a water-resistant coating .

  4. 文中介绍以国产丙烯酸酯类涂层剂LF为原料,生产涤纶薄织物精细防水涂层功能布的工艺技术,并对加工过程中的关键性技术问题进行探讨。

    The author describes the coating technology and investigates some cruxes for processing thin polyester fabric with home-made acrylate coating agent LF .

  5. 水系防水涂层剂的合成及应用

    Synthesis and Application of Aqueous Emulsified Water-Proof Coating Agent

  6. 喷涂聚脲防水涂层体系的确定及其在南水北调工程中的应用

    Determination of polyurea waterproofing coating system and its use in South-to-North Water Diversion Project

  7. 复合防水涂层是经久耐用、高质量建筑项目的重要要素之一。

    JS waterproofing coating is an important part of durable , high quality construction projects .

  8. 特别的,提出了防水涂层的干湿循环老化实验,测试和比较了防水涂层经过300次干湿循环后的断裂伸长率,发现防水涂层经过干湿循环老化实验过后,断裂伸长率都有所下降。

    Especially , dry-wet-cycling aging method was introduced . The tensibility of water-resistant film will decrease after 300 cycle .

  9. 以高密度涤纶塔夫绸为基布的防水涂层产品,具有较好的防风、透气、防水和透湿等多种功能,并且手感柔软,富有弹性。

    Coated Waterproof products with high density polyester taffeta as the substrate show fairly good functions in wind resistance , water repellency , permeability and hygroscopicity , as well as soft hand touch and excellent resilience .

  10. 水性防水透湿涂层胶FS-809

    Water-soluble coating gum FS-809 with waterproof and moisture permeability

  11. PP-3聚丙烯酸酯防水透湿涂层剂系水溶型涂层剂,采用乳液聚合法合成,操作安全易行。

    PP-3 Polyacrylic water repellent agent is a kind of water soluble coating material , which can be easily synthesized through emulsion liquor , and has better physical performances .

  12. 防水透湿涂层织物的发展及工艺探讨

    Developing of Water Repellent Moisture Permeable Coating Fabric and Discussing Process

  13. 织物防水透湿涂层整理概述

    Coating Finish for Imparting Waterproof and Moisture - permeable Function to Fabric

  14. 防水透湿涂层织物的现状及发展趋势

    Present Situation and Development of Waterproof Breathable Coating Fabric

  15. 聚氨酯防水透气涂层织物的进展

    Progress in Polyurethane Based Waterproof and Breathable Coated Fabrics

  16. 来自原油,用于蜡烛和保护性或防水性涂层。

    From crude petroleum ; used for candles and for preservative or waterproof coatings .

  17. 分析了其发展趋势,介绍了防水透湿涂层技术在皮革工业中的应用。

    The development trend of waterproof breathable coating fabric was analyzed and its application in leather making industry was discussed .

  18. 为改善射频溅射法制备的防水透湿涂层的外观和拒水性,对涤纶织物基底上的溅射氟碳高分子膜的泛黄问题进行了研究。

    In order to improve appearance and hydrophobicity of waterproof and moisture permeable coatings , the yellowish of sputtered polymeric fluorocarbon films was investigated .

  19. 前言:介绍了防水透湿涂层织物的现状,并按防水透湿原理,涂层剂种类,防水透湿织物的性能等方面对它进行分别叙述。

    The waterproof breathable coating fabric was introduced in following aspects : waterproof breathable theory , coating category , properties of waterproof breathable coating fabric .

  20. 笔者研制的智能化多功能超声测厚仪除具有现有机型的功能外,还适合高吸声性材料及粗晶材料,特别适合建筑用防水胶涂层的检测。

    This intelligent multifunction supersonic depth measuring instrument is suited to the high sound absorbing materials and the rough crystal materials , especially suited to the measuring of the glue coating for water proof on construction .

  21. 聚氯乙烯防水透汽涂层篷布试制的可行性报告

    Feasibility Report of Trial-Product to PVC Waterproof and Steam Permeable Coating Sailcloth

  22. 水乳型屋面防水涂料底涂层施工

    Primer Applied for water Emulsion Roof waterproofing Coating

  23. 防水玻璃表面涂层新工艺的初步探索

    A New Technique of Glass Water-proof Coating

  24. 除了其他业务,天合化工的专长是表面处理&比如智能手机和平板电脑的防水面料和涂层。

    Among other things , Tianhe specialises in surface treatments such as waterproofing fabric and coatings for smartphones and tablets .

  25. 超级防水加硬多涂层光学镜片光传输系统中的新颖超强FEC级联码

    Super water proof multi-coated lens Study on the Novel Super-FEC Concatenated Code for Optical Transmission Systems

  26. 用Tg温度不同的丙烯酸乳液分别作为防水层和反光层的基料,以满足防水涂层的柔韧性和粘结力以及反光涂层的耐候性和自洁性;

    The basic components of waterproof layer and reflecting layer of the coating were acrylic acid latex with different transformation temperature , which met the requirement of flexibility and cohering strength of the waterproof layer , and of anti-weathering and self-cleaning capacity of reflecting layer .

  27. 介绍了松江佘山翠亭苑别墅小区地下室防水需注意的问题,以及自防水混凝土、防水涂层、细部节点等施工时的质量控制措施。

    On the basis of practical projects , the author introduces the construction techniques of pouring concrete pool for one time , and presents matters needing attention .