
  • 网络Wuxi dialect
  1. 无锡话中的形容词

    Adjective in Wuxi Dialect

  2. 到了北京,学了一口纯正的北京话,听得懂无锡话、上海话,却说不利落了。

    When I came to Beijing , I became fluent in Pekingese . I could understand Wuxi dialect and Shanghai dialect but could no longer speak any of them fluently .

  3. 第二部分是词汇,其中的单音词汇部分对无锡话的单音节词作了一个总结。

    The second chapter includes a list of homophones and a glossary of free ( unbound ) monosyllabic words .

  4. 第三部分是语法,主要详细分析了无锡话的数词、量词、介词、代词的语法特点和用法以及动词体貌的特点。

    In the third chapter we discussed the Wuxi grammar , in which chapter mainly the usage of numerals , measure words , pronouns , and the aspects of verbs are analyzed .

  5. 如果您在无锡的话您可以和我直接联系,我可以帮您训练!

    If you stay in wuxi , you could call me directly , I will help you training !

  6. 我有一些无锡的委托人,他们的方言是普通话和无锡话一起讲。

    I have some clients from the city of Wuxi who speak Xipu dialect which in reality is a mixture of Putonghua and Wuxi dialect .