
  1. 与此同时,Netflix给予其员工在美国闻所未闻的无限休假的特权。

    Meanwhile , Netflix allows its staff the unheard-of-in-America privilege of unlimited vacations .

  2. 还有一些硅谷公司允许员工“无限休假”,效率应用公司印象笔记(Evernote)是其中之一。

    Evernote , the productivity app group , is among a number of Silicon Valley companies that allow employees to take " unlimited holidays . "

  3. 如IBM及Netflix公司,它们推翻了通行的2星期年假制度,改为实行开放式的无限期休假制,以避免员工身心疲劳。

    Companies such as IBM and Netflix , for instance , have tossed the standard two-week vacation policy in the US and implemented an open , unlimited vacation program in an effort to prevent staff burnout in a country where employees get so little time off .

  4. 像维珍集团、百思买和Evernote等公司都制定了弹性工作与无限期休假相结合的工作制度。只要他们协调好工作安排,并且为团队做出贡献,就没有休假天数的限制。

    Companies such as Virgin , Best Buy and Evernote are matching flexible working with unlimited vacation policies to empower employees to take time off as needed , as long as they are coordinating with and delivering for their teams .

  5. 这种福利的一个极端例子是无限期的休假制度。

    An unlimited vacation policy is one extreme example of this new compensation .