
  • 网络non-price bottom bidding
  1. 无标底招标是我国建筑市场发展的必然趋势,也是加入WTO后我国建设工程交易的主要方式。

    The non-price bottom bidding is the inevitable development trend of construction market in china and also the main project transaction way after joining into WTO .

  2. 文章分析了无标底招标的内涵,并通过对无标底招标实施的风险的剖析,提出了应对风险的对策和建议。

    The article analyzes the connotation of the non-price bottom bidding and its risk on the implementation , and then proposes some corresponding countermeasures and suggestions against the risk .

  3. INTERNET招投标运作方式研究投标决策模型在无标底招标中的应用

    Accomplish bidding by INTERNET ; Application of Bid Decision Model in the Lowest Bid Approach of Engineering Project

  4. 无标底招标采购的理论基础及其制度意义

    The Academic Base and Practice Meaning of Tendering on Non-Base Price

  5. 统计学中是非标志散论试论工程建设项目施工无标底招标

    Discussion on the no - mark bid of project construction

  6. 接着从理论和实践两方面分析了现阶段采用的无标底招标和合理低价法评标。

    Then analyzed the methods in two aspects of theoretic and practice .

  7. 民用机场建设项目推行无标底招标的实践与探索

    Practice and Exploration in Promotion of Non-base-price Bidding in Civil Airport Construction

  8. 关于完善工程项目无标底招标方式的探讨

    Discussion about Improving the Lowest Bid Approach in Construction Project

  9. 无标底招标及实行低价中标之我见

    Comment on the bidding without basic price and realizing lower quoted price

  10. 建筑工程无标底招标理论与实践

    Theory and Practice of The Lowest Bid Approach in Construction

  11. 无标底招标在水利工程招标中的应用

    Application of Calling for Tender without Base Bid for Water Conservancy Project

  12. 无标底招标评标方法的优化研究

    The Optimization of the Bidding Evaluation Method for the Tender without Lowest Bid Price

  13. 现行无标底招标评标体系的不完善性。

    Bidding without base bid system is imperfect .

  14. 无标底招标实施的风险及对策研究

    Research on the Risk of Implementation of the Non-price Bottom Bidding and the Countermeasures

  15. 这时在全国范围内推行国际上通用的无标底招标已是大势所趋。

    At this time , implementing tender without base price internationally accepted is a general trend .

  16. 浅析园林绿化工程最低价中标无标底招标实施的风险及对策研究

    Research on the Risk of Implementation of the No n - price Bottom Bidding and the Countermeasures

  17. 通过建立完善的信用体系和法律框架,改革现行落后的工程造价管理模式,发展和完善无标底招标。

    Constructing credit and legislation system , and reforming current cost management mode , developing and perfecting bidding without base bid .

  18. 本文通过分析无标底招标的理论基础和优点,说明了无标底招标在我国应用意义和必要性。

    This paper explains the value and necessity of the lowest bid approach through analyzing its academic foundation and its advantages .

  19. 推行无标底招标,能够对其弊端加以克服,但同时需进行一些配套环境的建设。

    Adapting bidding without base price can overcome these defects , but at the same time some related environment must be constructed .

  20. 针对有标底招标的缺陷,对无标底招标及其评定标体系进行了研究。

    It researched the system of tendering without base price of bidding , appraising bid and confirming bid , compared with the disadvantage of base price bidding .

  21. 研究在工程招投标过程中,合理低价的确定方法,无标底招标可能出现的问题及对策;

    Study of a certain reasonable low price , problems and countermeasures of the lowest bid approach in making bid and inviting bid has been discussed too .

  22. 无标底招标投标制度是国际通用的、比较成熟的、科学合理的工程承包交易方式,是1项公认的国际惯例。

    The system of competitive - bidding without base number is international all - purpose , mature , scientific and proper bargaining mode , which is an acknowledged international institution .

  23. 本文通过相关的应用经济学理论,价值、成本和价格理论,市场竞争理论等,分析讨论无标底招标采购的理论基础和实践意义。

    This paper discusses and analyzes the theory base and practice meaning of tendering on non-base price by using economics theory , value 、 cost & price theory and market competition theory .

  24. 为此,介绍了无标底招标法的优点,并结合水利水电工程招投标实践,提出了承包商应对无标底招投标的若干措施,以及值得注意解决的问题。

    Therefore this paper described the strong points of the tendering without pricing and proposed some measures that the contractors have to make and precautions that government has to take in handling the tendering without a price .

  25. 针对一类工期要求较严格的建筑工程,提出了基于遗传算法的无标底招标优化决策的新方法。

    A new approach to the optimization based on genetic algorithm for the process of award of bid without bottom bidding is proposed for a class of construction projects to which the construction period is strictly needed .

  26. 结合中国国情,分析了现阶段在无标底招标中采用合理低价而不是最低价中标的原因、采用合理低价的理论基础、现实基础及存在的问题等。

    It discussed the reason adopting reasonable low price but not the lowest one in selecting bid , the elements , practice and problems of reasonable low price , and so on , relating with our county now .

  27. 但由于无标底招标对市场化程度要求较高,在我国又处于起步阶段,与其相配套的监管保障体系还不完备,这造成了它在实施过程中问题频发。

    However , tender without base price requires a higher degree of market , in addition , it is at the initial stage in china , its complement security monitoring system monitoring is not perfect , this has caused frequent questions in the implementation process .

  28. 分析旧的招投标体制弊端,提出在铁路建设新形式下推行施工图基础上的无标底招标方式的可行性和必要性。

    Based on the analysis of the drawbacks of the tendering and bidding system , this article brings forth the feasibility and necessity of carrying out the type of invitation to bid for working drawings without the base number under the new situation of railway construction .

  29. 根据当前建筑市场中常用的无标底招标评标方法,应用模糊数学中的相关原理对其进行优化,增加了评标过程的客观性和合理性。

    According to the common method for the bidding evaluation of the tender without lowest bid price in the current construction market , this paper optimizes the method by using some relevant theories of the fuzzy mathematics to increase the objectivity and rationality of the procedures of the bidding evaluation .

  30. 分析了无标底招标的理论基础,有标底招标,工程量清单计价办法的实施对采用无标底招标的影响,发达国家及地区的先进经验及启示,及我国目前的无标底招标。

    It analyzed the elements of tendering without base price of bidding , tendering with base price of bidding , the influence of valuation with bill of qualities , advanced experience and revelations of developed countries and areas , and tendering without base price of bidding in our country now .