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  1. 知情人士表示,裁员计划将在周四的战略简报会上由4月1日出任首席执行官的平井一夫(kazuohirai)宣布。

    The cuts are to be announced on Thursday at a strategy briefing by Kazuo Hirai , who took over as chief executive on April 1 , people familiar with the matter said .

  2. 沃瑟将于7月1日就任首席执行官。

    He takes over as chief executive on July 1 .

  3. 《雍正起居注》,一部较为忠实地反映雍正一朝历史的历史文献资料,是书由日讲起居注官编纂而成。

    " Yong Zheng Qi Ju Zhu " is a literature that is comparatively loyal to reflect the history of the reign of Yong Zheng .

  4. 6月25日:洛杉矶验尸官办公室宣布,迈克尔·杰克逊因为心脏停搏被送往医院后去世。

    June 25 : Michael Jackson dies after being taken to a hospital having suffered cardiac arrest , according to the Los Angeles County Coroner 's office 。

  5. 二月廿六日,联邦检察官宣布他们认为找到了答案∶被控侵吞工会经费二十亿披索(相当于一亿五千九百万美元)。

    On February 26th federal prosecutors announced what they think is the explanation : the alleged embezzlement of 2 billion pesos ( $ 159m ) of union funds .