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  1. 他们在自己私密的世界里生活了多年,充满了回忆和日常礼仪。

    They have lived alone for years in their own private world , full of memories and daily rituals .

  2. 一些律师将很多不合理的东西引入普通法,同样地,一些老师将许多荒谬的事物引入日常礼仪规范。

    And some lawyers have introduced unreasonable things into common law , so likewise many teachers have introduced absurd things into common good manners .

  3. 此外,教师对学生也要不仅是传授文化知识,还应教导学生懂得日常生活礼仪,了解社会文化,学会自立生活;

    In addition , teachers should not only teach students cultural knowledge , but also instruct students to understand the daily ritual , know more about social culture , learn to live independently ;

  4. 一般日常用品;普通礼仪;平常的一天;劣等酒。

    Ordinary everyday objects ; ordinary decency ; an ordinary day ; an ordinary wine .

  5. 灵魂不灭的观念,构成了大凉山彝族的日常生活和各种礼仪的基础。

    The concept of the immortal Spirit and Soul constituted the foundation of Dalangshan Nuosu 's daily life and folkways .

  6. 本店商品一律按质定价,绝无优劣混淆按质分等。一般日常用品;普通礼仪;平常的一天;劣等酒。

    The prices of our goods are fixed strictly according to their qualities with discrimination Between good and Bad . ordinary everyday objects ; ordinary decency ; an ordinary day ; an ordinary wine .

  7. 在日常生活消费中,主要用于日常服装、人事礼仪和借贷三个方面。

    Mainly used for everyday clothing , personnel etiquette and lending three aspects .