
  • 网络running costs
  1. 而且我们需要认真考虑企业日常管理费用的问题。

    And we also need to give serious thought to the question of overheads .

  2. 此外,日常管理费用激增使得公司的效率和生产力都低于应有的水平。

    Overhead has ballooned , leaving the company less efficient and productive than it needs to be .

  3. 通过工程经济分析,提出以征收污水处理费来建设并维持小城镇污水处理厂日常运行、管理费用和支付银行贷款本息是可行的。

    Through engineering economic analysis , the result shows that it is feasible to build and manage small urban sewage plants and pay back bank loans through levying wastewater treatment taxes .