
  • 网络nEC;nippon electric company;NEC Corp
  1. 译文:日本电气公司称已设计出一种小巧可爱的机器人5号。他会打瞌睡,说梦话。

    NEC says it has designed the robot 5 to be “ cute ” .

  2. 2010年,日本电气公司(NECCorp.)、日立(HitachiLtd.)和卡西欧(CasioComputerCo.)组建了一家手机合资公司,日本电气担当大股东。

    NEC Corp. , Hitachi Ltd. , and Casio Computer Co. in 2010 joined forces to form a cellphone joint venture majority owned by NEC .

  3. 投资商包括像里昂信贷银行、可口可乐和日本电气公司NEC这样的超级大公司。

    Including corporate giants such as Credit Lyonnais , Coca-Cola , and the Japanese electronics company NEC .

  4. 松下电器产业公司、日立公司(HitachiLtd.)、日本电气公司(NECCorporation)、东芝公司(ToshibaCo.)和三菱电机(MitsubishiElectricCo.)都表示,他们将把每位员工的月工资上调2000日圆。

    Panasonic Corp. , Hitachi Ltd. , NEC Corp. , Toshiba Corp. and Mitsubishi Electric Corp. all said they will offer monthly increases of Yen2000 per employee .

  5. 日本电气公司(NECCorporation)在今年早些时候结束了该公司的智能手机业务,松下电器产业公司(Panasonicco.)则在9月份表示,计划停止生产针对主流消费者的智能手机。

    NEC Corp. pulled the plug on its smartphone business earlier this year , while Panasonic said in September that it plans to stop producing smartphones for mainstream consumers .

  6. CNN特派员景兰:日本电气公司的美籍员工约瑟夫·贾斯柏说,当然,这么做似乎有些极端,可是也许其中也有值得他的故国学习的地方。

    KYUNG LAH , CNN CORRESPONDENT : American NEC employee Joseph jasper says , sure , this seems a little extreme , but maybe there 's a lesson here for his home country .

  7. 笔者在采访了日本电气公司NEC之后,将该公司在顾客辅助管理、人员和物品的定位管理以及仓库管理三种应用案例推荐给读者。

    The author recommends three applied cases : the assistant management of customer , position of personnel & goods and storage management after the interview with Japanese electronic Corporation NEC .

  8. CNN特派员景兰:日本电气公司说他们不能强迫员工瘦下来,可是公司已经发给和田直树一个计步器,希望他下次走进公司的时候能够轻盈一点。

    KYUNG LAH , CNN CORRESPONDENT : NEC says they can 't force employees to slim down , but it has issued Naoki Wada a pedometer , hoping he 'll walk in next time with a lighter load .

  9. 日本电气公司员工约瑟夫·贾斯柏:很难想象。

    JOSEPH JASPER , NEC EMPLOYEE : It 's difficult to imagine .

  10. 日本电气公司制电子计算机这是迈克顿电气公司发来的。

    NEAC ( Nippon Electric Automatic Computer ) This is a letter from Maxton Electronics .

  11. 如果员工不瘦下来,日本电气公司就得面临1900万美元的罚款,所以公司正努力推广低卡的健康饮食。

    NEC , facing $ 19 million in penalties if its employees don 't slim down , is encouraging a low-calorie , healthy diet .

  12. 日本电气公司员工约瑟夫·贾斯柏:我们全都可以互相学习,这件事刚好对健康有益。

    JOSEPH JASPER , NEC EMPLOYEE : There 's. .. there are things we can all learn from each other , and this happens to be something that is , you know , good for your health .

  13. 在2016年里约奥运会期间,研发这一技术的日本电气股份有限公司还在巴西的两个机场测试了他们的人脸识别设备,并为其他几个类似的项目提供了技术支持,其中包括芝加哥警方使用的软件。

    NEC , the company handling the technology , also tested out their gear at two Brazil airports during the 2016 Olympics and is behind numerous other similar projects , including software used by the Chicago Police .

  14. 日本电气株式会社红外技术公司最近研发出一款“体温镜”,可以“照”出发烧等流感症状。

    Japanese firm NEC Avio Infrared Technologies has announced the development of a mirror that can detect flu-like symptoms , such as a fever .

  15. 据发明这款眼镜的日本高公司NEC(日本电气公司)称,这款眼镜可以让使用者与说不同语言的人进行交流。

    High-tech company NEC has come up with a device that it says will allow users to communicate with people of different languages .

  16. 日本目前有四个间谍卫星在服役中,由日本卫星电视公司和日本电气公司领导的一个财团正在建造两个额外的通信卫星,将用于传输加密数据。

    Japan has four spysatellites in service , and a consortium of Japanese companies led by SkyPerfect Jsat Holdings ( 9412 : JP ) and NEC ( 6701 : JP ) is building two additional communicationsatellites that will transmit encrypted data .