
  • 网络financial operating mechanism
  1. 国企财务运行机制设计的因素分析

    An analysis of factors for design of financial operating mechanism

  2. 家族企业的财务运行机制特征分析;

    Financial operating mechanism characteristic analysis of the family business ;

  3. 浅谈建立与高校高速发展相适应的财务运行机制

    The Finance Management System and the High-speed Development of Universities

  4. 现代企业财务运行机制有待进一步优化。

    The operation mechanism of the financial affairs in modern enterprises waits to be further optimized .

  5. 一般而言,农村专业合作经济组织的财务运行机制主要是从组织内部利益分配的角度分析的。

    The financial operating mechanism of rural special cooperate-economic organization mainly lies in two aspects , including finance and organization .

  6. 本文提出了财务运行机制、财务约束机制和财务激励机制的概念和相互关系。

    This paper raised the concepts of financial operating mechanism , financial restricted mechanism and financial stimulating mechanism , and their interrelation .

  7. 因此,必须结合企业生存的内外环境构建新型的财务运行机制。

    Therefore , the new-type financial operating mechanism has to be projected combined with the internal and external environment of the enterprise survival .

  8. 现行国有企业的财务运行机制已不适应新形势下企业发展的需要。

    The present financial operating mechanism of the state-owned enterprise can 't meet the needs of the enterprise development under the new situation .

  9. 阐述了财务运行机制的机理,即对财务目标、财务运行原则、财务组织结构和财务运行程序等方面的构成、运行方式和相互关系等作了较为系统的探索性论述;

    It also introduced the principle of the financial operating mechanism , namely , made a systematic and exploring discussion about the structure , operating methods and their interrelation of the financial goal , financial operating principle , financial organization structure and financial operating procedure , etc ;

  10. 民办高校财务管理运行机制的探讨

    An Exploration of the Operating System of Financial Management in Private Colleges & Universities

  11. 新古典学派难以解释利润的归属,无法说明财务的运行机制、治理结构和制度安排。

    We think that the Neo-classicism School theory is difficult to interpret the ownership of benefit , it is impossible to illustrate the working mechanism , the structure and the arrangement of the financial institution .

  12. 不同的理财目标将产生不同的财务管理运行机制.因而,科学地确定企业理财目标对于完善企业财务管理理沦和优化企业财务管理行为,实现财务管理系统的良性循环具有重大现实意义。

    Different financing goal will produce different financial administration operating mechanism . Therefore confirming enterprise reasonable finance administration goal for perfecting enterprise 's financial management theory , optimizing enterprise 's financial administration behaviour and actualizing benign cycle of the financial administrative system has great realistic meanings .

  13. 然后,分析了财务预警的运行机制,为房地产企业财务预警模型发挥有效作用提供保障。

    Then , this paper analyzed the operation mechanism of the financial early-warning system , which guarantee the effect of financial early-warning model for real estate enterprises .

  14. 而对这样的状况,迫使人们不得不从更本质的角度,对建立健全现代公司财务治理结构和运行机制进行研究和探讨。

    Facing the situation , people have to research and discuss the establishment and perfection of finance governance structure and operation mechanism in modern companies from a more essential point of view .

  15. 社会主义市场经济要求国有企业建立以产权清晰,权责明确,政企分开,管理科学为特征,依法规范的社会主义现代化企业制度,而建立科学的财务管理体制及运行机制则是现代企业制度的核心。

    Socialist marketing economy requires the state-owned firms to have clear property right , explicit right and duty , enterprises seperated from government and scientific management , all of which contribute to the establishment of modern enterprise system , ic .

  16. 本文借鉴前人的研究思路,将财务治理结构分为两大部分:财务治理组织体制和财务治理运行机制,每一部分都包含相应的内容。

    Based on the research train of thought of the former , this paper divides financial governance structure into two parts : the organizational system of financial governance and the running mechanism of financial governance . Every part includes corresponding contents .

  17. 本文以家族企业发展过程的阶段性特征为基础,提出扩张期家族企业在其财务支持网络方面应采取选择恰当的财务管理模式、进一步规范财务行为和构建开放的科学的财务运行机制等对策。

    Based on phased characteristics of the evolution of family firms , this essay proposes corresponding countermeasures their network should possess to family firms in expanding period such as choosing the appropriate financial management modes , standardizing the financial behavior further and establishing open and scientific financial operating mechanism .