
  • 网络Financial Restructuring;financial restructure;financial restructurings
  1. 这些汽车制造商还在其它领域取得了进展,例如调整了汽车租赁销售,完善了折扣规定,并进行了财务重组。

    Carmakers had also made progress in other areas , such as revamping car rental sales , improving their discounting discipline and financial restructuring .

  2. 并购重组财务没计作为一项复杂的工程是指运用现代财务理论安排并购、选择并购方式、并购支付方式和正确实施财务重组和资本化的过程。

    Being a complicated system of engineering , the financial design of merger and restructuring is a process of using the modern financial theories to plan the project , to choose the way of M & A and payment and to implement the financial restructuring and capitalization successfully .

  3. 国有商业银行财务重组关系到我国银行改革的成败。

    Financial re-construction is crucial for Chinese bank reform .

  4. 债务人很可能倒闭或进行其他财务重组;

    The debtor will probably become bankrupt or carry out other financial reorganizations ;

  5. 该组合中约有四分之一是面向问题企业发放的贷款,这些企业需进行耗费大量人力的财务重组,通过财务重组,债务很可能会转化为股份。

    About a quarter of the portfolio consists of loans to troubled companies which require labour-intensive financial restructurings in which the debt may well turn into equity .

  6. 这一轮改革的重点是对国有银行的股份制改造,通过对其进行不良资产的剥离,注资等一系列手段进行财务重组,使其成为健康的银行,并引入战略投资者,在海外上市。

    It include through bad assets stripping , injection , and a series of financial reorganization , as a healthy bank , and the introduction of strategic investors in overseas listing .

  7. 资产流动性损失下财务危机重组研究

    The Research of Financial Distress Restructuring Under Asset Liquidity Loss

  8. 我认为应该是但是公共财务中重组经济和填补正在变大的窟窿(财政赤字)需要立法的帮助。

    But shaking up the economy and plugging the yawning chasm in the public finances requires legislation .

  9. 完整的借壳上市一般有两个阶段:财务性重组(也称报表重组)和价值重组。

    The complete backdoor list usually involves two phrases : financial reorganization ( also called report reorganization ) and value reorganization .

  10. 财务性重组阶段,往往会产生麻雀变凤凰的效果,并由此带来的股价巨大涨幅吸引着大量投资者,形成市场热衷于题材股的炒作。

    In the phrase of financial reorganization , it will usually bring the effect that sparrow grows to phoenix and the tremendous increase of share price that attracts huge of investors and make the market being keen of hype on theme stock .

  11. 第四部分对大庆油田公司财务流程的重组进行了预期效果分析。

    Part 4 describes the analysis of prospective effect for reengineering financial process of Daqing Oil-field Company .

  12. 我国财务困境公司重组摘帽前后的长期绩效&基于因子分析法的绩效评价

    Long-term Performance of the Uncapped Corporations in Financial Distress & Performance Evaluation Based on Factor Analysis Method

  13. 这个信贷评级公司说,它认为西班牙将不得不花费政府预计280亿美元的两倍多资金来对西班牙储蓄银行的财务状况进行重组。

    The ratings service said it believes Spain will have to spend more than double the $ 28 billion the government estimates it will cost to restructure the finances of Spanish savings banks .

  14. 商业银行唯有加快业务创新步伐,提供高质量的项目融资、财务顾问、重组并购等高端金融服务,才能真正地参与到优质客户的竞争中去。

    Commercial banks have to accelerate the pace of business innovation , provide high-quality financial services , like project financing , financial advisers , restructuring mergers and acquisitions and so on . Then they can truly participate in competition of quality customers .

  15. 财务困境公司的重组战略&基于中国上市公司的实证分析

    Restructuring Strategies of the Chinese Listed Companies in Financial Distress

  16. 企业管理包括两个方面,一是对物的管理,如物资管理、仓库管理、营销管理、工艺流程管理、财务管理、资产重组、债务重组等;

    Management includes two respects , first , the management to thing , for instance the handing of goods and materials , storehouse management , marketing management , technological process management , financial administration , rearrangement of assets , debt etc. ;