
fǎ lǜ yuē shù
  • Legal constraints;legal restraint
  1. 社会责任语境下对公司捐赠的法律约束

    Legal restraint to donation of the company under the social responsibility linguistic environment

  2. 同时法律约束机制也需要进一步完善股东诉讼机制。

    At the same time the legal restraint mechanism also needs to supplement the shareholder lawsuit mechanism .

  3. 处于初级发展阶段的我国网络银行存在的主要问题是缺乏全国统一的CA认证、缺乏相关的业务规范和法律约束以及网络建设水平低。

    The principal problems existing in the primary stage of developing on-line banking are the lack of the nation-unified CA authentication .

  4. 在GATT时代,由于缺乏相应制度保障和法律约束,尽管该种方法被质疑和诉诸专家组,但是该种方法存在却得到了支持。

    The methodology had acquired a lot of favor though it had been questioned and sued to the panel of GATT because of lack of laws and regulations .

  5. 就如Kündigungsschutz的法律约束将许多解雇事件都最终交由劳动法庭处理,企业雇用成本增加不可确定,于是不愿雇用员工。

    Forexample , the K ü ndigungsschutz under which many dismissals end up infront of special labour courts makes the costs of firing both high anduncertain , and thus deters hiring .

  6. 以信誉而不是法律约束为基础的个人协定。

    A personal agreement based on honor and not legally binding .

  7. 辞职套现应该受到法律约束吗?

    The resignation of cash should be subject to legal constraints ?

  8. 其次,必要时给予纪律和法律约束。

    Secondly , when necessary to restrict at ethics and law .

  9. 强调农民间的互动约束,而法律约束作为威慑和底线。

    Make legally binding as a deterrent and the bottom line .

  10. 国际纺织品和服装贸易的法律约束机制

    A Legal Binding Mechanism of the International Textile and Garment Trade

  11. 这是否意味着中国也将接受法律约束呢?

    Does that then mean China will also be legally bound ?

  12. 作为外交官,他不受当地法律约束。

    As a diplomat , he is not subject to local laws .

  13. 个人可以不受法律约束地表达任何观点。

    An individual may express any views at all without legal hindrance .

  14. 一旦签字,便成为具有法律约束的契约。

    Once signed , it is a legally binding contract .

  15. 合同,协议严格被执行的或受法律约束的契约

    A properly executed and legally binding compact . contract oneself out of

  16. 我们需要的是一项有法律约束的条约而不是使用武力。

    What is needed is a legally binding agreement not to use force .

  17. 法律约束;法律年限;违法罪行;违法掠夺。

    Statutory restrictions ; a statutory age limit ; statutory crimes ; statutory rape .

  18. 道德约束与法律约束的选择

    The Choices between Moral Restriction and Legal Restriction

  19. 第四章对建立健全企业家的约束机制的必要性进行分析,总结并分析了建立健全企业家约束机制的五种方式,即企业家责任约束、预算约束、法律约束、道德约束、市场约束。

    The necessaries to establish and perfect the restricting mechanism on entrepreneurs are discussed .

  20. 我们受法律约束,为的是可以自由。

    We are in bondage to the law in order that we may be free .

  21. 会议宗旨是为削减温室气体排放取得一项具有法律约束性的协议书。

    Their aim is to achieve a legally binding agreement to cut greenhouse gas emissions .

  22. 我国竞争政策及其立法明显滞后,公共政策的介入如果没有严格的法律约束,便很容易导致政府的失灵。

    The introduction of public policy without strict legal restriction is likely to cause government disfunction .

  23. 说的人,说成“受法律约束”。

    Everybody is governed by laws .

  24. 在他履行职务时,他的权力是不受任何法律约束的。

    In executing his functions he is not bound by any legal curbs on his power .

  25. 当掌权者相信规则是用来被打破的时候,法律约束毫无用处。

    Legal constraints are useless when the authorities believe that rules are made to be broken .

  26. 外部约束的方式不外乎两种:法律约束和道德约束。

    External constrained ways are nothing more than two kinds : legal constraint and moral restraint .

  27. 合同关系仅受到本销售条款的英语文本的法律约束。

    Only the English text of these Sales Conditions is legally binding for the contractual relationship .

  28. 他们回到少有或没有法律约束的小河流与港口。

    They return to small rivers or ports where there is little or no law enforcement .

  29. 大股东与经营者合谋行为及法律约束措施

    Behavior of Seeking Doctor 's Help The Collusion of Large Shareholder with Manager and Legal Shareholder Protection

  30. 法律约束具有普遍性;

    Law binding is universal ;