
Juridical Person Director 's Theory and the Selection of the Lawmaking
China 's Corporation Law did not mention about the system , it may bring important significance in protect the juridical person shareholder 's right and it 's perfect of the juridical person director 's responsibility .
In law , as the redoubtable legal scholar Lynn Stout , among others , has pointed out , shareholders own shares , not companies , which are separate legal persons , and directors ' only fiduciary responsibility is to the company .
It can be said that common governance mechanism is meaningful for perfecting university governance structure and constructing modern university institution in our country .
In order to meet the need of company practice , the revision of company law in our country shall affirm legal person 's qualification for a board director , and companies shall be entitled to restrict the mode and procedure of representatives ' designation by legal persons .
As the core component of internal corporate governance , the board of directors is an important decision-making and supervision organization . It exercises corporation property right and direct management right , and comprehensively and directly participates in decision and management on corporate major events .
We examine the effect of three governance variables that are widely used in the literature : institutional ownership , board independence , and analyst coverage .
However , this could not find the proportion of corporate shares , board size , proportion of independent directors , the chairman and general manager who is held by a corporate governance structure and other variables significantly affect the quality of auditing .
The first issue is whether the strict liability can be applied to a no-crime-intention unit crime case according to the rule of balance , and how to " pierce the corporate veil " after the modification of juridical party and run the liability of shareholder directors .