
  • 网络Rule of Law Economy
  1. 市场经济是法治经济,更是信用经济。

    Market economy is the rule of law economy , especially the credit economy .

  2. 市场经济是法治经济,商业银行并购作为一种市场行为,必须遵守市场法则。

    As market-directed economy is a kind of rule of law economy , commercial bank M A must adhere to the rule of market that M A is a market-directed conduct .

  3. WTO规则就是市场经济规则,市场经济就是法治经济。

    The rules of World Trade Organization are rules of market economy , while market economy is economy of legality .

  4. 摘要有秩序的市场经济既是法治经济,同时也是道德经济。

    The orderly market economy is both legal and moral economy .

  5. 大家都知道,市场经济就是法治经济。

    Everyone knows , the market economy is law economy .

  6. 市场经济为法治经济。

    Market economy is the economy governed by law .

  7. 市场经济是法治经济,而会计又是一种通用的商业语言,因此,市场经济条件下会计法律关系作为会计法理论的基本范畴之一,有着重要的研究意义。

    Market economy is a law-ruled economy and accounting is a universal business language .

  8. 市场经济是法治经济,如何为市场价格机制的运行营造一个好的法治环境,在入世后的今天,无疑具有非常重要的意义。

    How to create a productive environment in the market economy is an important issue also .

  9. 试论市场经济就是法治经济

    Market Economy Means Legality Economy

  10. 法治经济在本质上是信用经济,是在规范的经济秩序中进行的,它鄙视一切不守信用的行为;

    It is carried out in a standardized economic order , which despises all the untrustworthy behaviors .

  11. 市场经济是法治经济,法治经济需要相应的法治政治。

    Market economy , which requires corresponding politics ruled by law , is economy ruled by law .

  12. 市场经济是法治经济,也是信誉经济。

    Market economy should be a kind of economy ruled by law as well as with great reputation .

  13. 市场经济是法治经济,现代市场经济与现代法制是相互伴生的。

    Market Economy is the legal economy , which was born among the mutual interaction with modern legal system .

  14. 市场经济是法治经济,必须有相应的法律支撑和保障。

    The market economy is a law economy . It must have the corresponding legal strut and the safeguard .

  15. 再者,市场经济就其本质而言,是法治经济,效益经济,效率经济。

    Moreover , market economy , as regards its essence , is economy governed by law , benefit and efficiency economy .

  16. 市场经济是自由经济,但也是法治经济,企业法人进入市场和退出市场都应遵守相应的规则,并承担相应的法律责任。

    Therefore , the legal persons must abide by rules concerning entering or exiting market , and must shoulder corresponding responsibilities .

  17. 市场经济是法治经济,法律服务贯穿于经济活动的每一方面。

    Market economy is economy under rule of laws , legal services are not limited to those for fighting legal battles in courts .

  18. 民本经济是自主经济、法治经济,其中凸现了公民在国民经济中的基础地位和主体意义。

    It embodies the basic but principal status of citizens . People standard economy is independent economy and economy governed by law as well .

  19. 市场经济是法治经济,需要对私有产权和自由竞争进行保护。

    Market economy calls for the rule of law , which will effectively protect the private property rights and the free competition in market .

  20. 市场经济是法治经济,完善的社会主义法律制度对于成功建设社会主义市场经济具有重要意义。

    Market economy is the economy ruled by law , the perfect socialist legal system is of great significance for building socialist market economy successfully .

  21. 市场经济是法治经济,小额信贷作为一种金融创新,必须走法制化的道路才有可能有生命力。

    The market economy is the economy of the rule of law , as a financial innovation , we must take the legalization of the road .

  22. 社会主义市场经济不仅是法治经济,更是信用经济,失信已严重阻障了我国经济的发展。

    Socialist market economy is not only " legal system economy ", but also " credot economy " . " it " has seriously obstructed the development of our economy .

  23. 所以市场经济既是法治经济,又是信用经济,信用在其中具有极为重要的地位和作用,良好的信用是市场经济发展的强烈的内在要求。

    So economy is not only legal economy but also credit economy . Credit plays an important role , good credit is the inherent demand for the development of market .

  24. 市场经济也是法治经济,为了使改革顺利进行,必须加强法治建设,打造法治政府。

    The market economy also is the economy governed by law , in order to carry on the reform smoothly ; the government by law must be strengthened to enhance the construction .

  25. 市场经济是一种法治经济,离不开法治的保障,成熟的市场经济,必然要求比较完备的法治。

    The market economy is an economy ruled by law , is inseparable from the rule of law , a mature market economy will inevitably require a more comprehensive rule of law .

  26. 中国经济法要解决的问题是计划、权力经济向市场、法治经济转型过程中存在的问题,而不是发达市场中存在的问题。

    That problems faced by Chinese economic law mainly appeared in the transitional process from planned and power economy to market and rule-of-law economy , but not exist in the developed market economy .

  27. 市场经济是法治经济,对拖欠工程款问题不能仅仅停留在表面上就事论事,而应当上升到法律层面加以分析解决。

    The market economy was law economy , we should not just consider the problem as it stood from the teeth outwards , whereas should analyze and solve it up from the law angle .

  28. 在典型的市场经济体系中,信任是市场经济最根本的伦理特征,契约是市场经济最根本的制度性特征,它们共同构建了市场经济作为信用经济和法治经济的基石。

    In typical system of market economy , trust is the most essential ethic feature and contract is the most essential institutional feature . They make up the foundation stone of this system jointly .

  29. 市场经济就是法治经济,指在市场经济条件下,市场主体依靠法律谋求自身合法利益,依靠法律调节与其他社会主体的各种利益关系。

    The market-oriented economy is also the governing-by-law economy . In the market-oriented economy , the market subject seeks their legal benefit and regulates the benefit relations with the other subjects relying on law .

  30. 认为市场经济是法治经济,市场活动必须以严密的法治网络进行规范,市场经济关系必须以法律进行科学归类和规范。

    It is noted that market economy , being a legalized economy , shall be regulated by a strict legal system , and the relationships of market economy shall be scientifically classified and standardized by legal means .