
  • 网络moral economy
  1. 道德经济最初由E.P.汤普森在解释英国粮食骚乱问题时推介出来,后被广泛应用于其他领域和学科研究。

    Moral economy was introduced by E.P. Thompson firstly in interpreting of food riots and is widely applied to other research fields and disciplines now .

  2. 摘要有秩序的市场经济既是法治经济,同时也是道德经济。

    The orderly market economy is both legal and moral economy .

  3. 另一方面,市场经济也是道德经济。

    On the other aspect market economy is moral economy .

  4. 道德经济人产生的机制

    Mechanism that produces brokers with the work ethic

  5. 英国粮食骚乱和道德经济思想密不可分。

    Food riots and moral economy are inseparable .

  6. 道德经济和道德经济学

    Moral Economy and Moral Economics

  7. 市场经济是法制经济与道德经济的统一,是自利与利他的统一。

    The market economy is the unity of legality economy and moral economy , self-benefit and oth-er-benefit .

  8. 市场经济既是法制经济,也是道德经济,市场经济离不开道德的支撑。

    Market economy is not only the legal economy but the moral economy and it cannot exist without the morality .

  9. 再者,道德经济从某种意义上是对合法意识的支持和强化,两者相互扶助。

    In addition , moral economy supports and strengthens the sense of legitimation in a sense , they promote each other .

  10. 道德经济思想从非经济因素特别是心态史学层面,对粮食骚乱进行了探讨,为我们认识粮食骚乱开辟了全新的视角。

    Moral economy explores the food riots from the non-economic factors and opens a new perspective for us to understand the food riots .

  11. 文化经济是一种道德经济,以人文精神为深层动力,以促进人的全面发展为核心。

    Cultural economy is a kind of moral economy with humanism as its deep-seated impetus , and man 's all-round development as its core .

  12. 为了预防与杜绝不道德经济行为的发生,必须全方位树立和完善道德经济行为的理念,以规范经济行为。

    In order to guard against and stop those behaviors , we need to cultivate the mentality of moral economic behaviors in all walks to regulate economic behaviors .

  13. 道德经济是一种主要以道德教育为手段来发展的经济,是劳动者道德素质状况所体现出来的经济行为和经济效果。

    Moral economy is one to be developed mainly through moral education , and is economic action and effect to be produced by the labors ' moral quality .

  14. 阐明了社会主义市场经济从本质上而言应是道德经济,道德是社会主义市场经济实现健康发展的重要支持性资源;

    And expounds that socialist market economy should be moral economy in essence , that moral is an important support source to realize healthy development of the socialist market economy ;

  15. 笔者从全社会、内部、外部三方面分析了道德经济人产生的机制。

    The author of this paper analyses , in perspective of the entire society , the interior and the exterior , of the mechanism that produces brokers with the work ethic .

  16. 他从中国传统文化和西方思想理论中得到启发,在思想文化道德经济等多层面积极思索国民素质现代化的建构及其途径。

    From the Chinese traditional culture and Western ideas have been inspired by the theory , in the ideological and cultural and moral dimensions of economic and other positive thought to build the quality of our people and their way of modernization .

  17. 道德经济是寓于英国下层民众悠久传统习惯中的一种社会反抗文化,一直存在于民众心态观念中,这里的下层民众指的是以农民和手工业者为代表的普通劳动阶层。

    Moral economy is a social revolt culture contained in the long tradition of the England lower classes , it has existed in the public consciousness for a long time , and the lower people here refer to the ordinary working classes as the representative of peasant and handicraftsman .

  18. 文化是经济发展的源动力;文化中的道德是经济调节的重要杠杆。

    Cultural ethics is also the important lever of economic regulating .

  19. 伦理道德对经济行为具有支撑和批判力量。

    Ethical morality exerts a supporting and critical force on economic action .

  20. 一种新的经济张力&伦理道德与经济相融合

    Fusion of Ethics and Economy : A New Economic Tension

  21. 道德是经济运行中必不可少的思想规则。

    Morals are essential rule in economic operation .

  22. 财务人员职业道德的经济人模型及其归类分析

    The Economic Man Model of the Accountants ' Professional Ethics and the Classification Analysis

  23. 医学道德的经济功能;

    The medical moral of economic function .

  24. 论诚信道德的经济价值

    On economic value of honesty and faith

  25. 互惠、权威、道德与经济发达地区村庄权力的运作

    Reciprocity , Authority , and Morality in the Power Operation of Village in Economically Developed Region

  26. 道德的经济价值

    On the Value of Morality

  27. 对道德的经济分析

    The economic analysis of morality

  28. 论伦理道德的经济功能

    On Economic Functions of Ethics

  29. 伦理道德的经济分析

    Economic Analysis of Ethics

  30. 道德与经济矛盾性和一致性不在于它们的本身,而在于它们所依托的外部经济环境。

    The contradiction and consistency of morality and economics are not on themselves , but on the economic environment .