
  • 网络moral relationship;ethical relationship
  1. 医患关系中的非技术关系,主要是道德关系。

    Doctor-patient relationship in non-technical relations , primarily a moral relationship .

  2. 爱国主义贯穿于他所提倡的每一组道德关系与每一个道德品质之中。

    Patriotism runs through every moral relationship and moral quality .

  3. 文艺与道德关系研究

    Study on the Relationship between Arts and Literature and Ethics

  4. 迈向务实:西方法律与道德关系理论的流变路向

    Toward pragmaticism : Rheological Direction of Western Law and Morality Relations Theory

  5. 和谐社会体育法律与体育道德关系之研究

    Research on Relationship between Sports Ethics and Sports Law in Harmonious Society

  6. 现代社会道德关系的新发展

    On the development of morality relations in modern society

  7. 关于科学与道德关系的理性思考

    A Rational Reflection On Relations Between Science And Morality

  8. 法律与道德关系之辩

    Comprehensive Researching of the Relationship between Law and Morality

  9. 市场经济与道德关系研究述评

    Study Review for Market Economy and Morals Relation

  10. 论学校教育中的道德关系&兼谈教育伦理学的研究对象

    On the Moral Relation of Schooling & Discussing Concurrently the Object of Educational Ethics

  11. 法律与道德关系新论

    On Relations Between the Law and the Moral

  12. 关于道德关系的特殊矛盾问题的思考

    On reflections of Special Contradiction of Moral Relationship

  13. 生态伦理主要思考的是人与自然之间的道德关系。

    " Ecological ethics " study on the ethical relationships between mankind and the nature .

  14. 文学与道德关系辨析

    Analysis of Relation between Literature and Morality

  15. 从告密者案件看富勒的法律与道德关系

    Fuller 's view on the relationship between law and morality from the informer 's case

  16. 第二部分:哈特与德沃金就法律和道德关系展开了论战。

    Part II : Debate on the relationship of law and morality between Hart and Dworkin .

  17. 产权关系既是一种法律关系,又是一种经济关系。农村的产权关系同时还包括一种社会伦理道德关系。

    Property relation is both legal and economic , and in the countryside it is also ethical .

  18. 甚至中国的哲学家也更关心社会道德关系,而不是个人自由。

    Even her philosophers were concerned more with ethical social relations than with the liberty of the individual .

  19. 影视艺术中善的内容,对社会上伦理道德关系起着调节和范导作用。

    In the showbiz art , contents of goodness , has already regulate to the society ethics morals relation .

  20. 从一定角度上说,道德关系是一种经济关系,离开经济关系的道德判断是没有意义的。

    To some extent , moral relationship is an economic one , without which any moral judgment makes no sense .

  21. 本文试图通过对学校教育教学过程中各种道德关系的具体研究以求进一步明晰教育伦理学的研究对象。

    The paper tries to further explore the object of Educational Ethicsthrough the specific study of moral relations of schooling .

  22. 在宗教学中,宗教、文化以及道德关系一直都是宗教学学者的研究对象。

    In religion , the relationship of religion , culture and moral has always been an object in religious studies .

  23. 股市参与者的价值理念和利益追求,必然会引发一定的道德关系,形成某种道德运行状态。

    The participants ' moral values and pursuit of benefit will bring about certain moral relations and certain patterns of moral operation .

  24. 企业对伦理的需要是企业内生的基本需求,企业伦理规范了企业在经营活动中各种道德关系,是一个多层次多维度的复杂系统。

    As a fundamentally endogenetic need , corporate ethics involves a multi-layered and multi-dimensional system , regulating all kinds of corporate moral relationship in business .

  25. 在中国伦理思想史上,孔子第一个自觉地意识到义与利的关系问题在道德关系中的重要性,提出了先义后利的道德理论。

    In the history , Confucius was first consciously aware of the importance of the relationship between " justice " and " interest " in ethics .

  26. 环境道德关系包括自然环境的人为改变形成的环境道德主体之间的关系和人与自然之间的关系。

    The relations between environment and morality embody the relation between the environment changed by man and moral entity , and relation between man and Nature .

  27. 从经济和道德关系来看,一定社会的道德状况总是受制于一定社会的经济基础以及该社会的历史文化传统。

    Form the relationship between economy and morality , the situation of morality of one society is always controlled by its economic basis and historical and cultural tradition .

  28. 在现代法治社会中,道德关系的建立离不开道德教化,而礼治则是开展道德教化的重要手段。

    In modern society ruled by law , the establishment of ethical relation cannot be separated from moral education while ruling by etiquette is an important measure in moral education .

  29. 本文从可持续发展的环境伦理视角出发,以人与自然的伦理道德关系为研究对象,探讨可持续发展的内涵。

    In this paper , from the environmental ethics of sustainable development perspective , study the relationship between ethics and morality of people and nature , discuss sustainable development content .

  30. 为应对社会出现的价值观和伦理道德关系的新变化,高校德育适时地进行了一定的调整和改革,不断地探索德育实践的新途径和新内容。

    In order to deal with the new changes of values and ethics and morality , moral education in universities and colleges has made certain adjustment and reforms , explored new approaches and new contents .