
  • 网络Risk awareness;risk aware;consciousness of risk
  1. 强化风险意识更新管理理念全面创建HSE管理体系

    Strengthen the Risk Ideas , Reform Management Concept , and Fully Develop HSE Management System

  2. 在个人住房贷款进展初期,Z银行由于防范风险意识较弱、风险欠缺管理等因素造成了个贷出现了不少的问题。

    In the early progress of individual housing loans , risk prevention awareness of Z banks is weaker in risk management , and there were other factors have contributed to many problems .

  3. 对无风险意识的人而言,股票市场充满了陷阱。

    The stock market is full of traps for the unwary .

  4. 因此,美国监管机构的风险意识明显强于IMF,但不如鲁比尼。

    So regulators were noticeably more risk-aware than the IMF , albeit less so than Mr Roubini .

  5. 由于我国民间审计行业普遍存在着风险意识淡薄、执业水平偏低和竞争力不强等劣势,加入WTO后,它必将面临更大的压力与挑战。

    Due to the weak senses of risks , the low professional skills and the lack of competitiveness , China 's civil auditing will face harder pressure and more challenge .

  6. 在中小型企业中增加风险意识,积极防范风险,进而有效地实施ERP,加大ERP实施成功的概率,对我国广大中小企业的发展有重要的意义。

    So increasing risk awareness , risk prevention actively and effectively carrying out ERP , will definitely enhance success rate in ERP implementation , which has great significance to our most of national SMEs developments .

  7. 中学环境教育中突发事件风险意识的教育和培养

    Educating and Raising Thunderbolt Risk Consciousness of Middle School Environmental Education

  8. 加大宣传,增强投资者的风险意识;

    Increase degree of propagations , strengths risk awareness of investors ;

  9. 第二,提升风险意识,培育责任伦理。

    Secondly , to enhance risk awareness , foster ethical responsibility .

  10. 我们需要提高大众的健康风险意识。

    We need to increase public awareness of the health risks .

  11. 企业必须增强风险意识,更加积极主动去管理风险。

    Enterprise must strengthen risk awareness and manage risk more actively .

  12. 加强企业管理、提高规避风险意识

    Strengthen the enterprise management and administration Raise the realization of avoiding risks

  13. 科学的风险意识与和谐社会的建设

    The Scientific Risk Awareness and the Construction of Harmonious Community

  14. 临床实习生医疗风险意识调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis on Awareness of Medical Risk in Clinical Practice Students

  15. 职工负担过轻,风险意识淡薄;

    Workers burden lightly and the risk consciousness is weak ;

  16. 加强质量管理,增强防范风险意识;

    Enhance the quantity management , Strengthen the risk consciousness ;

  17. 首先要加强风险意识,建立防范机制。

    The first is to strengthen risk awareness and establish prevention mechanism .

  18. 提高财务人员的风险意识和素质;

    Enhance financial personnel 's risk awareness and quality .

  19. 从金融腐败谈加强银行防范风险意识和金融监管力度的必要性

    Stronger Supervision and Risk Evasion Awareness against Financial Corruption

  20. 风险意识:精神实质与中国语境

    Awareness of Risk : Spirit Essence and Chinese Context

  21. 发电企业应尽快摆脱计划经济和行业垄断时期的依赖观念,提高管理意识、风险意识和竞争意识。

    The enterprises should improve the consciousness of management , risk and competition .

  22. 病区护士长的风险意识与风险管理

    The head nurse 's risk consciousness and risk management

  23. 88.5%的人有艾滋病的风险意识;

    Newspapers and magazines . 88.5 % persons had risk consciousness of AIDS ;

  24. 结果:提高了护士的风险意识及业务水平,减少护理差错。

    Result : Increase nurses venture concept and professional level and decrease nursing mai-practice .

  25. 因此,企业必须树立风险意识,建立有效的风险防范机制。

    Therefore enterprise must set up risk consciousness , establish effective risk prevention mechanism .

  26. 转型期中国社会的风险意识及其培育研究

    Research on Social Risk Awareness in China and Its Nurture during the Transition Period

  27. 实习医师医疗风险意识的培养与提高

    Training and binging up the consciousness of medical risk of intern in practicing stage

  28. 中国七城市部分企业应对流感大流行风险意识的调查

    Study on risk awareness and preparedness for pandemic flu among staff members from enterprises

  29. 风险意识在基层医院血液透析室护理管理中的应用

    Application of risks awareness in nursing management in hemodialysis room in primary level hospitals

  30. 风险意识会突然发生改变。

    Risk awareness is something that shifts suddenly .