
  1. 已有的实践证明,小额贷款公司的出现为民间资本合法化创造了机会;为金融产品分散风险开拓了新渠道。

    Has been proved that there is a small loan company has created opportunities for the legalization of private capital ; to spread risk financial products , opening up new channels .

  2. 金融衍生工具的运用可以为银行规避风险、开拓业务、谋取利益。

    Financial derivative instruments can bring minor adventure and get more benefit for banks .

  3. 一个机构在规模更小、关注点更集中后会更容易承担风险、开拓创新。

    A smaller , more focused organisation would find it easier to take risks and innovate .

  4. 我国社保基金投资运营的方针是安全至上、控制风险、开拓创新、提高效益。随着我国金融市场的发展,其监管应在严格限量监管基础上,渐进式地引入审慎型监管原则。

    Along with the development of the financial market of our country , the supervision should be on the base of strict quantity limitation supervision and importing the prudence type supervision principles .

  5. 对跨国公司战略联盟的成因分析主要从以下六个方面展开:资源稀缺、相互学习、降低成本与风险、开拓市场、规模经济与战略动机。

    The analysis of the causes of multinational strategic alliances according to six parts : the scarcity of resources , learning from each other , reducing cost and risk , developing new markets , economies of scale , strategic motives .

  6. 那么大学生创业能力是指大学生顺利从事风险性的开拓性活动所需的各种能力。

    So college students ' enterprise competencies refer to students successfully engaged in risky pioneering activities .

  7. 为了使我国商业银行能快速适应入世后的金融开放环境,必须在信用卡风险控制上开拓新方法。

    In order to make the commercial banks in China adapt to the financial system quickly in liberalized post-WTO environment , we must reinforce credit risk control and explore new methods .

  8. 因此,我国进行巨灾保险创新的要求极为迫切,借助巨灾保险风险证券化工具开拓我国巨灾保险市场。

    Therefore , it is extremely urgent for our country to innovate the catastrophe insurance system , and make full use of catastrophe insurance risk securitization tools to develop our catastrophe insurance market .

  9. CORAS是由欧盟信息社会技术计划资助的一个针对安全关键系统风险评估的研发项目,该项目提出了一种基于模型的风险评估方法,为风险评估研究开拓了一个新的发展方向。

    The EU-funded CORAS project is developing a framework for model-based risk assessment of security-critical systems , and this developed a new area for risk assessment studies .

  10. 本文就审计风险要素、审计风险模式展开分析,提出在不同阶段控制审计风险的策略,并对审计风险进行国际比较,希望为审计风险的理论研究开拓思路。

    This article analyzes the factor and model of audit risk , and puts forward the strategy to control audit risk at different stages . In the end it makes worldwide comparison in the hope of helping the research of audit risk .