
  • 网络moral means
  1. 此外,维护婚姻忠实除了必要的法律途径和道德手段外,也可以通过社会舆论和正面的宣传工作。

    In addition , the maintenance of marriage and faithful addition to the necessary legal and moral means , but also by public opinion and positive publicity .

  2. 新道德应当超越道德目的论与道德工具论的对立,实现道德目的与道德手段的辩证统一。

    New ethics should go beyond the opposition between the two doctrines , and achieve the dialectical unity of moral objective and moral means .

  3. 运用道德手段调节初级阶段我国私人企业的劳资关系具有现实的可行性。

    There is a realistic feasibility in that morality to regulate Labour - Capital relationship in private enterprises in China .

  4. 只有适用道德手段调节人与自然的关系,才有可能从根本上解决环境问题,促进社会经济可持续发展。

    Only do we use the moral ways to regulate the relationship between human and nature , we could solve the environmental problem fundamentally .

  5. 儒家文化核心价值观为仁义礼智信,以道德手段强调对企业、对国家的责任感与牺牲精神。

    The core values of Confucianism are benevolence , righteousness , propriety , wisdom , and truth . Because of the five virtues , Asian people have a strong sense of responsibility and sacrifice to their country and enterprise .

  6. 人类在生产和生活实践中,运用道德手段调节人与自然、经济、社会之间的关系时,寻求它们之间正确的道德价值联系,并把这种联系抽象概括为价值理念。

    Human practice in the production and life , to regulate the use of man and nature , moral , economic , and social relations the search for moral values among them the correct link , and summed up the value of this link abstract concepts .

  7. 经济伦理学研究应当坚持两大向度:一个是目的向度,从人的生活出发,确定经济发展的根本目的,一个工具向度,从经济的内在要求出发,提供经济发展的道德手段。

    The study of economic ethics should insist dual directions : One is the purpose direction , that give the basic purpose for economic develop from the human life , the other is the means direction , that provide the means for economy develop from the inside request of economy .

  8. 作为一种道德教育手段,道德模范在我国道德建设中发挥了重大作用。

    As a means of moral education , moral models plays a major role in moral construction .

  9. 仅仅依靠以往道德教育手段已很难解决网上道德问题。

    It becomes rather difficult to solve moral problems if only traditional measures of moral education are taken .

  10. 人与自然和谐关系的建立既要有法律的手段,又要有道德的手段。

    Both of law and morals are needed to build up the harmonious relationship between people and nature .

  11. 社会舆论、传统习惯、内心信念一直是伦理学界公认的道德评价手段或方式。

    Public opinion , traditional habits and inner belief are always regarded as three methods for ethical appraisal .

  12. 由于不道德的手段会造成严重的道德后果,因此,就有必要对其予以合理控制。

    Because immoral means will cause serious moral effects , it is necessary to control reasonably the immoral means .

  13. 有的公共管理机构及其人员出于提高管理效率或者实现私人目的的考虑,可能会选择不道德的手段。

    Some organizations and its members may select immoral means in view of promoting efficiency of management or realizing private ends .

  14. 本质上作为道德教育手段之一的道德讲堂,在其过程中运用了多种符号元素组合,构成了全新仪式情境。

    Essentially as one of the means of moral education , moral lecture uses a combination of a variety of symbolic elements , which constitutes a new ritual context .

  15. 为有效规制行政权力行为,必须运用法律、道德等手段规制行政权力主体的权力行为选择,构建行政权力法律、道德体系。

    To regularize and restrain administrative power , it is necessary to build up a law system and a set of moral code so as to effectively govern the action choice of the subject of administrative power .

  16. 在法国,密特朗(mitterand)首届政府曾强迫富有纳税人为两年期债券发售融资,美国和英国也都曾在爱国主义战时公债的发行中,动用道德劝说的手段。

    In France , the first Mitterand government forced rich taxpayers to fund a two-year bond issue and both the US and UK have used moral suasion in patriotic sales of war bonds .

  17. 因此,传统习惯即不可能也无必要作为一种道德评价的手段或方式。

    So it is unnecessary for us to establish traditional habits as another method .

  18. 而本文将道德与法律手段的有机结合可以更全方位的分析学术失范问题。

    The moral and legal means of combination can be more comprehensive analysis to solve the issue of academic anomie .

  19. 纪律教育是塑造高师学生教师职业道德的重要手段之一。

    Disciplinary education is one of the important means to build the professional teachers ' ethic of the students in a training college .

  20. 通过压力或需要来使体力道德或智力手段来作;她强迫他在市里找了个工作。

    To cause to do through pressure or necessity , by physical , moral or intellectual means : She forced him to take a job in the city .

  21. 从伦理学视角看,社会舆论乃是道德评价的重要手段。

    From ethical point of view , public opinion is the important method of moral appraisal .

  22. 教师阅读是提升教师道德素质的重要手段之一。

    Teachers of reading is to promote teachers ' occupation morality is one of the important means .

  23. 根据网络空间的特征,慎独将成为规范网络道德的主要实现手段。

    According to the characteristics of Network , Shendu will become the important means to regulate network morality .

  24. 它的失误,或许可以称之为良好的道德动机与实施手段上的简单化,其思想根源在于一定程度的理想的教条。

    It had failures due to the simplification of well-motivated morality and implementation procedures , originated from pragmatic ideology ;

  25. 遏止有偿新闻必须运用法律和道德调节两种手段。

    In order to stop the phenomenon , we must resort to the two means , that is , the law and morality .

  26. 只有正确运用法律与道德两种调整手段,强化公司社会责任,才能构建和谐社会。

    Only use two kinds of adjustment means of law and morals correctly , strengthen corporate social responsibility , could structure the harmonious society .

  27. 提出以平等自由为前提,以尊重理解为基础,以道德自律为主要手段,是构建和谐的互联网人际关系基础的观点。

    The thesis makes a conclusion : harmonious interpersonal relationship on Internet can be constructed on the basis of equality , freedom , respect and morality .

  28. 乐教是儒家“六艺”教育的重要组成部分,也是进行道德教化的重要手段。

    Music education is an important part of the education of'six arts'in the Confucian school and also an important method to carry out the moral education .

  29. 加强人文素质教育,从各个方面加强人文修养,丰富精神世界,增强精神力量,提升情感智慧,提高综合素质是提高大学生思想道德素质的重要手段,也是学生全面发展的必然要求。

    In order to enhance humanistic quality education , we should improve students comprehensive quality which is important and effective for improving college students ' moral education .

  30. 解决道德风险问题的手段不是废除最后贷款人这一角色,而是建立起规则,约束政府发债。

    The way to deal with this is not to abolish the role of lender of last resort , but to create rules that will constrain governments in issuing debt .