
  • 网络moral paradox
  1. 是道德悖论,还是价值冲突?&苏格拉底伦理问题解读

    Moral Paradox or Value Conflict ? & Deciphering Socrates ′ Ethic Problems

  2. 这一经济条件下的道德悖论无论在社会范围内还是企业范围内都有所体现。

    A moral paradox appears in the society as well as in enterprises .

  3. 伦理实体的诸形态及其内在的伦理&道德悖论

    The Various States of the Ethical Entity and Their Ethical-Moral Dilemma

  4. 性伦理的道德悖论及其现代重构

    The Morality Antinomy and Modern Reconstruction of Sexual Ethic

  5. 这正是解决马克思主义道德悖论问题的症结所在。

    This is just the crux to solve the moral paradox of Marxism .

  6. 道德悖论是学科悖论的一种,包括理论型道德悖论和知行型道德悖论;

    Moral paradox is one of disciplinary paradox , including theoretical moral paradox and practical moral paradox .

  7. 道德悖论是一个集合性的概念,其中的道德悖论现象是一种客观存在的特殊矛盾。

    Moral paradox is a collective concept , in which moral paradox phenomenon exists objectively as a special contradiction .

  8. 理论型道德悖论有道义逻辑悖论和伦理悖论;知行型道德悖论则称为德行悖论。

    Theoretical moral paradox has just logical paradox and ethical paradox while practical moral paradox is called behavioral paradox .

  9. 亲子鉴定:科技维护家庭伦理存在的道德悖论

    Identification in disputed paternity : the moral paradox , brought by scientific and technological achievements in defending family ethics

  10. 道德悖论的出现,主要是因为人们运用理智,从不同的方面对于同一个道德行为进行分析,从而得出了相互对立的结论。

    Because we use reason to analyze a moral act from different aspects and make opposite conclusions , moral paradox comes forth .

  11. 所以,为了消解道德悖论,就必须转识成智,对于道德行为做到“以道观之”。

    In order to clear up moral paradoxes , we should leap from knowledge to wisdom ; observe moral acts from " Tao " .

  12. 中国传统儒学本质上是德性主义的义务论,克服其引起普遍化道德悖论的弊端,需要在道德权利与道德义务、价值判断与逻辑判断相统一的意义上倡导道德智慧。

    The essence of traditional Confucianism is deontology and its malpractice can be overcome by advocating moral wisdom in the sense of uniting moral right with duty , value judgment with logic judgment .

  13. 从存在的视域看道德应该的悖论

    The Paradox of " Moral Should " in the Perspective of " Existence "

  14. 四是资本主义制度下经济发展与道德进步的悖论。

    Finally , the contradiction between economic development and moral progress under the institution of capitalism .

  15. 这一悖论是学校道德教育众多悖论中时代性的主导悖论,是必然存在的。

    This paradox is the leading , epochal one in various moral education paradoxes , which is inevitable .

  16. 但我们也应该明白技术与道德之间确实存在悖论。

    But we should understand the existence and the Moral Paradox .

  17. 浅析人的虚伪品质&兼析道德教育中的悖论现象

    On Human Hypocritical Quality & A Discussion on Paradox in Moral Education

  18. 论技术主义时代的道德恐慌策略及其悖论

    On Strategy of Moral Panic and its Paradox in the Age of Technicalism