
fǎ dìnɡ zī běn
  • authorized capital;legal capital;legal assets;declared capital
  1. 这三种制度分别是授权资本制、法定资本制以及折衷的授权资本制或认可资本制。

    They are statutory capital system , authorized capital system and eclectic capital system .

  2. 我国公司法上的法定资本制以及与此相关的一些制度已经失去了存在的基础,有进一步改革的必要。

    Therefore , the authorized capital system and other relevant systems set in China 's Corporation Law need to be reformed .

  3. 法定资本制无法单独挑起保护交易安全的担子,资本制度的选择与设计应更多地偏重于公司运营的效率以及自由竞争环境的维护,因此它应是富于弹性的;

    Capital system must focus on protection of efficiency and competition .

  4. 简单说,就是超过法定资本的缴入资本。

    In short , paid-in capital in excess of legal capital .

  5. 用授权资本制取代法定资本制;

    To substitute the Authorized Capital System for the Legal Capital System ;

  6. 当前我国有限责任公司发展对法定资本制的依赖

    On the Dependence of Limited Company on Statutory Capital System in Current China

  7. 法定资本要求应当在景气时增加,不景气时则下降。

    The statutory capital requirements should rise during booms and fall in busts .

  8. 现行的法定资本制度,排除了留存股票这种国际上最长用的股票来源方式。

    The existing statutory capital system , excluding the common stock source approach .

  9. 授权资本制偏重效率,法定资本制偏向安全。

    The authorized capital system stresses the efficiency and legal capital system stresses security .

  10. 柬埔寨降低了开办企业所需的登记注册费用和最低法定资本金。

    Cambodia cut registration fees and reduced the minimum capital required to start a business .

  11. 为改变这种状况,应着手改革我国的法定资本制度。

    In order to change this condition , we shall reform the system of legal capital .

  12. 所以,我国有限责任公司立法宜继续采用法定资本制。

    Thus , the legislation on limited liability companies ought to continue adopting statutory capital system .

  13. 由于各种因素的影响,我国目前仍有必要施行法定资本金制度。

    Now our country should put in force legal capital system because of different risk factors .

  14. 我国采用的是十分严格的法定资本制,其立法初衷是维护交易安全。

    With an original intention to maintain security , statutory capital system has been adopted in Chinese Corporate Law .

  15. 法定资本制、资本三原则、股东有限责任被过多地赋予了债权担保的功能。

    Statutory capital system , three doctrine of capital , shareholders limited liabilities are overloaded the function of guarantee .

  16. 我国现行公司法在公司资本制度上采取了严格法定资本制。

    Rigid legal capital system of company capital system has been adopted in the actual law of company in China .

  17. 然而,由于我国采取严格的法定资本制,在资本形成制度方面的规定显得僵化,这就给投资人出资设立公司设置了很大的障碍,同时也阻碍了市场经济的进一步发展。

    But the statutory capital system is strictly adopted in China , which appears rigid in the regulations of the system .

  18. 世界各国资本金制度大致有三种:法定资本金制度、授权资本金制度与折衷资本金制度。

    There are three capital systems in the world : legal capital system , accredit capital system , compromise capital system .

  19. 法定资本制度对社会信用机制需求度低,且有助于整个社会信用机制的健全;

    The demand of statutory capital system on social credit is low , as is helpful for completing the whole social credit system .

  20. 我国《公司法》采法定资本制,而外资法采授权资本制。

    The capital system stipulated in our company law is paid-up capital system , but in corporations with foreign investment law is subscription capital system .

  21. 且就法定资本制、授权资本制和折中资本制进行了理论和实践上的比较研究。

    And on the legal capital system , the capital authorized capital system and compromise the system was in theory and practice of comparative study .

  22. 在法定资本制度下,一些公司的实收资本低于公司规定的最低资本或营业执照载明的注册资本。

    In legal capital system , the capital of many corporations , however , is under the bottom line or less than their registered capital .

  23. 那种认为法定资本制抬高了公司的设立门槛、增加了公司设立成本的观点,实质上是一个伪命题。

    The idea that the statutory capital system has increased both the difficulty and the cost for the establishment of companies is actually a pseudo proposition .

  24. 2005年我国《公司法》修订时,仍采用法定资本制这一公司资本制度类型,但它有其自身难以克服的缺点。

    When the Company Law was amended in2005 , the registered capital system is still adopted as company capital system , which has its inevitable defects .

  25. 对我国有限责任公司最低资本额制度的研究股东出资达到法定资本最低限额

    Research on the Lowest Capital System of the Limited Company of China ; The investment contributed By shareholders meets the minimum amount of capital required by law

  26. 已达到主管机关规定的最低年龄;股东出资达到法定资本最低限额

    He has reached a minimum age to be prescribed by the competentauthority ; The investment contributed By shareholders meets the minimum amount of capital required by law

  27. 与公司法之法定资本制不同,我国现行外商投资企业法对外商投资企业规定的是授权资本制。

    Different from capital system of Enterprises Law , according to current enterprises law of foreign investment , that of enterprises with foreign investment is authorized capital system .

  28. 本文通过对三种公司资本制度的分析,认为我国现阶段实行的严格的法定资本制有其局限性,有必要改革。

    Through analyzing the three sorts of corporation capital systems , the author considers that the strict legal capital system has its own limitation and should be reformed .

  29. 大陆法系国家,由于大多奉行法定资本制,所以对于出资的形式以及范围有严格的法律规定,但立法态度也不尽相同。

    In civil law countries , mostly adhere to the statutory capital system . Scope for funding , as well as in the form of strict legal rules .

  30. 根据各国对安全与效率两个价值取向的不同偏好,公司资本制度分为三种模式:注重安全的法定资本制、偏重效率的授权资本制和介于二者之间的折衷资本制。

    Due to different value preference , corporate capital system can be classified into three types : statutory capital system , authorized capital system and eclectic capital system .