
  • 网络the state-owned capital management
  1. 国有资本管理体系的完善及财务问题探讨

    Improve the Management System of State-owned Capital and Issues of Its Finance

  2. 利用会计信息,加强国有资本管理与监督

    To Enhance Management and Supervising of the State-Owned Capital Using Accountancy Information

  3. 改革企业财务管理模式&财政部朱志刚副部长就国有资本管理问题答记者问

    Reform of the Corporate Financial Management

  4. 因此,新的国有资本管理体制为国有企业股权结构优化提供了可靠的制度基础。

    So new national capital management system set forth the solid institutional base of optimizing ownership structure .

  5. 本文第三章论述了新的国有资本管理体制怎样从质上优化国有企业的股权结构。

    Chapter III discusses how the new national capital management system optimizes ownership structure of SOE from the aspect of quality .

  6. 本文第一章提出通过国有资本管理体制改革和国有股减持的制度安排,从上述两方面来优化国有企业的股权结构。

    Chapter I holds that ownership structure of the SOE should be optimized by institutional arrangement of the reform of national capital management system and state-owned share reduction .

  7. 国有资本财务管理体制研究

    A Study on the Financial Management System of the State-owned Capital

  8. 企业经营也仅局限于产品经营这一层次,难以通过资本运营使国有资本向管理和效益好的企业流动。

    Enterprise Management is confined in product management , not capital management .

  9. 对贵州省国有资本收益管理的几点思考

    To Guizhou Province State-owned Capital Income Management Several Ponders

  10. 非经营性国有资本监督管理体系的构建

    Construction of Regulatory System of Non-Profit Assets

  11. 面对我国国有资本金管理中存在的问题,完善国有资本金预算管理制度,加快配套改革的步伐,已经成为目前国有资产改革的当务之急。

    Perfecting budget system for state-owned capital and speeding up the pace of reform has become an urgent problem in state assets reform .

  12. 我国国有资本经营管理体制的基本框架是政府、国有资本经营管理委员会、国有资本投资公司之间的授权经营。

    The basic framework of China 's state owned capital system is the delegated operation between governments , management and operation committees of state owned capital and state owned capital investment corporations .

  13. 随着国企改革向纵深发展,特别是新型国有资本经营管理体制的逐步建立,建立健全国有资本经营预算制度问题提上了议事日程。

    Along with the state-owned enterprise reforms to the deep development , specially the new state-owned capital management system 's gradual establishment , it is placed on the agenda to establish the perfect state-owned capital management budget system .

  14. 加强国有资本财务管理体制研究,构建新型国有资本财务管理体制,是完善现有国有资产管理体制,推进我国公共财政制度建设,提高国有资本管理效率的根本途径。

    Strengthening the study of the financial management system of the state-owned capital and structuring its new-type is the basic way to complete current management system of the state-owned assets , advance our country 's public financial institution and improve management efficiency of the state-owned capital .

  15. 1999年财政部确定国有资本金管理、财政收支与财税政策为财政的三大职能,并且指出国有资本金管理政策将成为今后财政政策新的着力点。

    In 1999 , Ministry of Finance decided that State-owned capital management , finance revenue and expenditure , finance and tax policies are three functions of finance , and pointed out the policy of State-owned capital management will become a new stressing point of the future finance policies .

  16. 地方国有资本经营预算管理改革。

    Reform of the Operational Budgeting Management of Local State-owned Assets .

  17. 我国政府国有资本经营预算管理研究

    Research on the Governmental State-owned Captial Operating Budget Management

  18. 同年,《中央企业国有资本收益收取管理暂行办法》的发布标志着国有企业分红进入了&个全新阶段。

    In the same year , " the central state-owned capital gains received Interim Measures ," releasing marks the dividends of state-owned enterprises has entered a new phase .

  19. 至2007年12月11日,财政部同国资委发布了《中央企业国有资本收益收取管理办法》。

    To December 11,2007 , SARC and the Ministry of Finance issued " the central state-owned capital gains received Interim Measures ", this measures demanded the important enterprises which were administered by the central government .

  20. 然后从世界各国对国有资本收益的管理分配体制的认识入手,对西方资本主义国家国有资本收益分配制度进行分析和研究,找出我们国家值得借鉴的地方。

    In this paper , I will start with the world capital gains on the management of state-owned distribution system , research the Western capitalist countries state-owned capital gains distribution system and to find out where our country should learn .

  21. 建立健全国有资本经营预算管理体系,是社会主义市场经济发展的客观需求,是进一步促进政府职能转变、推进公共财政建设的客观需要,更是实现国民经济战略性调整和实行资源优化配置的有效工具。

    To establish and improve the budget management system of state-owned capital operation is the objective needs of the socialist market economy . It is also the objective need to promote the transformation of government functions and push forward the construction of public finance .

  22. 《中央企业国有资本收益收取管理暂行办法》对不同行业、不同类别的中央国有企业的利润上交比例给出了规定,比例分别为10%、5%和暂缓3年上交或者免交。

    In " Central State-owned capital gains received Interim Measures ," for different industries , different types of central state-owned enterprises are given the proportion of profits paid the required ratio that were 10 % , 5 % , and 3-year suspension handed or exempted .

  23. 初论国有资本出资人财务管理

    Elementary Discussion about National Capital Investor 's Financial Management

  24. 因此,为了更好地对庞大的国有资本进行有效的管理,我国建立并完善国有资本经营预算制度就显得尤为重要且必要。

    Therefore , it is placed on the agenda to establish the perfect state-owned capital management budget system .

  25. 该《意见》规定,从2008年开始,中央本级国有资本经营实施预算管理。

    It also stipulated that the state-owned capital management of the central level would implement the budget management from 2008 .

  26. 国民资本的扩张需要进行法律、金融、国有资本实现形式、管理等多方面的制度创新。

    It is necessary to reform and innovate the system of laws , banking , the effectuation of govmment capital and management so as to realize the expansion of national capital .

  27. 提出国有资本监督机构和管理机构分开设立,根据国有资本所处领域的不同选择不同的运营机构。这是本文的中心论点,也是本文最主要的创新点。

    The central argument is to bring forward that the supervision organization and administration organization of state-owned capital should be set up separately , and the operation organization should be selected based on the different fields .

  28. 第五部分从内部资金转移定价方面对某国有银行经济资本预算管理为主的绩效考核机制进行解释,并对此绩效考核政策对贷款定价的政策导引做一说明;

    The fifth part is to explain the mechanism to evaluate the efficiency of capital management of a national commercial bank through internal capital transfer pricing , and interpret how such a mechanism works towards the loan pricing system .

  29. 国有资本实行价值形态的管理,应在做好国有资本各项基础管理工作的基础上构建国有资本运营主体,建立国有资本经营预算,培育和发展资本市场,实现国有资本的优化配置和不断增值。

    : Management of carrying out the form of value in the state owned capital should build the main pant and the management budget of the state owned capital , and develop the capital market and realize the disposition and increment of the state owned capital .

  30. 前一阶段的改革主要集中于将国有资本的运营从国有资本的管理体制中分离出去,而管理与监督二者并没有分开,监督只是作为管理的一部分而存在。

    The previous stage of the reform focused on how to separate the capital management , supervision and operation systems but failed to distinguish supervision from management , The capital supervision system still exists as a sub-system of the capital management system .