
  • 网络TEPCO;Tokyo Electric Power
  1. 日本东京电力公司近况

    Recent Status of Tokyo Electric Power Company

  2. 日本东京电力公司也反对在地底建电网。

    One argument against subterranean systems has been put forward by the Tokyo Electric Power Company , or TEPCO .

  3. 特高压送电线路及OPGW在日本东京电力公司的应用

    Application of UHV transmission line and OPGW in Japanese electric power

  4. 人类在突如其来的灾难面前,在怎样处理大规模核废料问题面前,还是尚无良策,此次事故日本东京电力公司采取了向海洋排放放射性污水这样的处理方式。

    In the face of the abrupt disaster , people still did not know how to deal with lots of nuclear waste . In the Fukushima nuclear accident , Tokyo Electric Power Company of Japan disposed radioactive wastes to sea .

  5. 日本政府和东京电力公司正在奋力解决核电厂的危机。

    The Japanese government and the Tokyo Electric Power Company are struggling to resolve the crisis at the nuclear plant .

  6. 实际上,第一个无叶风扇于1981年被日本的东京芝区电力公司获得专利。

    The first bladeless fan was actually patented in 1981 by a Japanese company called Tokyo Shiba Electric .