
  • 网络Japanese fasces
  1. 明年也将不是日本法西斯的吉利年头。

    The coming year will not be propitious for Japanese fascism either .

  2. 这对日本法西斯的败亡起着根本作用。

    This suffers a defeat and flees the basic function to the Japanese Fascist .

  3. 战胜日本法西斯不但是确定的,而且是不远的了。

    Victory over the Japanese fascists is not only certain but is not far off .

  4. 大规模实施细菌战,是日本法西斯犯下的空前的反人类的战争罪行。

    Abstract : The large-scaled bacteriological war is the unprecedented anti-human atrocity by the Japanese fascists .

  5. 这个世界因为德国和日本法西斯未能将其征服,而变得更加美好。

    The world is a better place because German and Japanese fascism failed to conquer the world .

  6. 此外,还有日本法西斯党遍于沦陷区。

    In addition , everywhere in the occupied areas there are the fascist parties created by the Japanese .

  7. 一切努力集中于打击日本法西斯,这就是中国人民的任务。

    It is the task of the Chinese people to concentrate every effort on beating the Japanese fascists .

  8. 随着太平洋战争的爆发,处于共同战胜日本法西斯的需要,中美两国结成了同盟国。

    With the outbreak of the Pacific War , China and U.S. joined as ally to against Japanese fascism .

  9. 这和日本法西斯对待国共两党的不同态度是一致的。

    This resembles the behaviour of the Japanese fascists , who treat the Kuomintang and the Communist Party differently .

  10. 中国人民反抗日本法西斯侵略的战争得到了包括美国人民在内的其他国家人民的大力支持。

    The Chinese people received strong support from the people of other countries , the United States , in particular .

  11. 1939年二战爆发,世界陷入一片混乱,中国处于抗击日本法西斯的战争中。

    In1939 , WWII broke out , the world was in chaos , and China was battling the Japanese Fascists .

  12. 由于日本法西斯分子的存在,远东也形成了第一个战争策源地。

    In the Far East , thanks to the Japanese fascists , there also arose the first seat of war .

  13. 中国战场是抗击日本法西斯的主战场,也是第二次世界大战在亚洲的主战场;

    Chinese anti Japanese war unveiled the prologue to the world anti-fascist war and opened the first lame-scale world anti-fascist battlefield .

  14. 星期五被认为是不吉祥的日子。明年也将不是日本法西斯的吉利年头。

    Friday is believed to be an unlucky day . The coming year will not be propitious for Japanese fascism either .

  15. 中国军民旷日持久的浴血奋战牵制和消灭了日本法西斯的大量有生力量,最终促成其败降。

    The Chinese Peoples War of Resistance against Japan , protracted and indomitable , pinned down and annihilated most of Japans effective strength , forcing Japan to surrender in the end .

  16. 中英在战场上并肩抗击日本法西斯,涌现了无数可歌可泣的英雄事迹,共同谱写了许多感人肺腑的友谊篇章。

    I have heard a lot of touching stories about men and women from both China and Britain , who jointly fought the Japanese fascist forces and forged a profound friendship .

  17. 华东回族为保卫祖国,抗击日本法西斯,前仆后继,英勇战斗,为中国的抗日战争及世界反法西斯战争的胜利作出了突出贡献。

    It reveals the outstanding contributions of the Hui for the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan of China and the War of the Anti-fascist War of World in East China .

  18. 中国抗日战争不仅开辟了反法西斯战争的第一个战场,而且有力地支援了苏联反法西斯侵略的卫国战争,粉碎了德日会师中东的战略企图,也是打败日本法西斯的决定因素。

    The Chinese Anti-Japanese war not only opened the first front in anti-fascism war , but also supported forcefully the Soviet Union and broke the attempt of Germany and Japan to meet in the Middle East and helped the US defeat Japan .

  19. 由于日本法西斯发动了侵华战争,国内主要矛盾发生了变化,国共两党都各自转变了政策,开始了以协商谈判为主要形式的早期秘密接触。

    Because the Japanese fascist has started the aggressive war against China , the domestic principal contradiction had change , at the same time both the Kuomintang and the Communist Parties transformed their policies and started to contact secretly with the main form of " negotiation and consultation " .

  20. 论日本军部法西斯体制的形成

    Formation of Fascist System in Military Ministry of Japan

  21. 从日本独特社会结构析日本法西斯的形成

    Japan 's Fascism Formed by Japan 's Special Social Structure

  22. 既是日本现代化的底蕴和原动,更是日本法西斯军国主义的沃土和源泉;

    It is the detail and vigor of the Japanese modernization and the source of fascistic militarism .