
cuàn gǎi
  • tamper with;falsify;distort;fiddle;interpolate;misrepresent
篡改 [cuàn gǎi]
  • [interpolate;distort] 用作伪的手段改动原文或歪曲原意

篡改[cuàn gǎi]
  1. 我想,作者并没有篡改时间,地点。

    I think the writer didn 't distort the time and the place .

  2. 粗制滥造论文,个别人甚至篡改、伪造实验数据;

    Work carelessly to the thesis , a few people even distort , forge the experiment data ;

  3. 我不希望被人控告篡改证据。

    I don 't want to be accused of tampering with the evidence

  4. 引语可能会被篡改,使用时断章取义。

    Quotes can be manipulated and used out of context .

  5. 不管他们如何篡改历史,我们一直都是一个独立的民族。

    We have always been an independent people , no matter how they rewrite history

  6. 法官大人,本人受当事人委托,主张此证据已被人篡改。

    My lord , I am instructed by my client to claim that the evidence has been tampered with .

  7. 忽视或忘记过去无异于篡改历史,凡是读过《动物农场》的人都知道那会导致什么后果。

    To neglect or forget aspects of the past is tantamount to rewriting history , and anyone who has read Animal Farm knows where that can lead .

  8. 事实不容篡改,谎言必须戳穿。

    Facts cannot be altered ; lies must be exposed .

  9. 为了表明公司赢利,他篡改了公司的账目。

    He juggled the company 's accounts to show a profit .

  10. 他篡改了实验结果以证明他的理论。

    He faked the results of the experiment to prove his theory .

  11. 他因篡改征兵证而被捕入狱。

    He was jailed for doctoring his draft card .

  12. 为隐匿逃税的证据,他不得不篡改他的公司账户上的数字。

    He had to fiddle the figures of his company 's account in order to hide the evidence of tax evasion .

  13. 为了您的安全,请勿篡改这些系统。

    For your safety , never tamper with these systems .

  14. 6.Cookthebooks做假账伪造或篡改财务报表

    cheat in accounting , manipulate financial records

  15. 有两名警察被控篡改证据

    Two policemen were accused of tampering with the evidence .

  16. 他篡改了公司的账目

    He fiddled the company 's accounts .

  17. 开放性的网络,导致电子商务系统面临着多方面的破坏和攻击,如何保护商业信息不被非法获取、盗用、篡改和破坏,已成为所有Internet参与者共同关心的重要问题。

    Electronic Commerce systems have to face kinds of attacks and wrecks from the open Internet .

  18. cookthebooks造假账这些会计师因篡改公司的账册而声名狼藉。

    The accountants who were paid to cook the firm books are disreputable .

  19. 基于RS码的二值图像认证及篡改定位算法

    Binary Image Authentication and Tamper Localization Based on RS Codes

  20. CA能采取一系列相应的措施来防止电子证书被伪造或篡改。

    CA can take a series of corresponding measurements to prevent digital certificates from forgery or alteration .

  21. 该方法将数字签名嵌入DNA序列,在使用前通过校验数字签名来发现DNA是否篡改,以便给出篡改提示。

    This method adds digital signature to the DNA sequences , and finds the juggling by checking it before using the data .

  22. 应用Hash算法可以检验传输的内容是否被篡改。

    Using the HASH algorithm can exanimate whether the transmission content is tampered .

  23. 基于双JPEG压缩统计特性的图像篡改检测方法

    Detection Method of Digital Forensics Based on Double-JPEG Compression Statistical Characteristics

  24. 基于hash函数的软件防篡改技术

    Software Tamper-Proofing Technology Based on Hash Function

  25. 适用于多区域篡改的JPEG图像认证算法

    New JPEG image authentication algorithm applied to multi-region tampering

  26. 使用基于Java平台编制的水印软件进行实验,重点针对水印的容量、隐蔽性、鲁棒性和安全性这三个指标,进行了嵌入、提取和篡改后水印的检测、恢复测试。

    In the experiment the watermarking software was programmed in Java , mainly emphasis on the factors of capacity , invisibility , robustness and security .

  27. 提出了一种在Word文档中嵌入数字水印的算法,这一算法利用Word文档的冗余空间,实现水印的嵌入和检测,防止对文档的非法篡改。

    This algorithm utilizes redundant space of word file to realizing the embedding and detection of the watermark in order to prevent that the file is distorted illegally .

  28. 一种基于E-Key及Web页面监控的网站防篡改机制研究

    Website tamper-resistant mechanism based on E-Key and Web page monitor

  29. 应用期望最大化(EM)算法能针对这种周期信息估计参数,从而检测出信号是否被篡改。

    EM algorithm was applied in parameter estimation of the periodic artifacts to detect if the signal was interpolated .

  30. 它构建于经过硬化的防篡改DataPower平台上。

    It is built on the hardened , tamper-proof DataPower platform .
