
cuàn quán
  • usurp power;usurp the power
篡权 [cuàn quán]
  • [usurp the power] 用非法手段夺取权力

  • 篡权窃国

篡权[cuàn quán]
  1. 他们所处的地位使其得以篡权。

    Their position enabled them to usurp power .

  2. 一霎那间,副总统篡权的罪恶意图给总统当头一棒。

    In a flash the evil intent of the vice-president to usurp power hit the president between the eyes .

  3. 前殖民主义者法国表示,他们反对任何军队篡权。

    Former colonial power France says it will oppose any military take-over .

  4. 尽管王莽被谴责是一个篡权夺位之人,他却是一个博学的儒家学者。

    Although condemned as a usurper , Wang Mang was a learned Confucian scholar .

  5. 他们的君主,哪怕暴君也一样,只不过处于比其他人或篡权者优先的地位;

    Their kings and their tyrants alike were just men set in front of other men or usurping a leadership ;

  6. 他的二儿子篡权夺位,成为了秦朝的第二任皇帝。秦二世实行了更为残暴的统治。

    His second son usurped the throne to become to Second Emperor . He imposed an even more barbarous rule .

  7. 据说当时的汉人对蒙古人的统治恨之入骨,于是由朱元璋统帅的革命军企图篡权。

    As the story goes , the Han people of that time resented the Mongol rule of the Yuan Dynasty and revolutionaries , led by Chu Yuan-chang , plotted to usurp the throne .

  8. 征服者威廉的事业是教皇支持的,不久就征服了英国,英国人也需要有人领导,而且已经对篡权和被征服都习惯了。

    William the Conqueror , whose cause was favoured by the pope , was soon submitted to by the English , who wanted leaders , and had been of late much accustomed to usurpation and conquest .

  9. 也不能允许那些篡权者们为了自己不光彩的目的去掠夺人民的权力,阻挡通向和平的林阴大道。

    Neither should it ever happen that once more the avenues to peaceful change are blocked by usurpers who seek to take power away from the people , in pursuit of their own , ignoble purposes .

  10. 王莽篡权建立新朝虽然只有14年的时间,但这并非是一个简单的历史插曲,东西汉因此而大不相同。

    The Xin Dynasty lasted only 14 years after Wang Mang usurped the throne , but it was more than a short interlude , and the Western Han and the Eastern Han were completely different because of it .

  11. 结语部分对全文做出小结:加洛林家族的崛起不仅仅是一次篡权,而是日耳曼民族对罗马文化的吸收和改变,在社会大环境的综合作用下,西方基督教文明就此形成。

    The rise of the Carolingian family is not only usurpation , but also a progress that barbarians absorb and change the civilization of Roma . Under the comprehensive function of social environment , the western Christian civilization formed .

  12. 史学家通常将这一时期分为三个阶段:汉高祖、文帝、景帝实行的“修养生息”的巩固期;汉武帝加强中央集权的鼎盛时期;外戚王氏篡权的后期。

    It is usually divided into three stages by historians : the time of consolidation by Emperors Han Gaozu , Wendi and Jingdi ; the zenith period of centralizing power by King Wu of Han , and the late period of replacement of the imperial power by the mighty consort clan of the Wang .
