
  • JAP;Japanese devil
  1. 大兵从头至尾都称呼对手为对“日本鬼子”和“下流的小日本

    Soldiers in various scenes call their enemies " Jap suckers " and " dirty Japs . ”

  2. 日本鬼子闯入北平城是在一九三七年。

    It was in1937 when Japanese soldiers broke into the city Beiping .

  3. 关于日本鬼子的形象,往往是极端残忍而毫无人性的代名词。

    On the Japanese devils image , often extremely cruel and inhuman synonymous .

  4. 大兵从头至尾都称呼对手为对日本鬼子和下流的小日本。

    Soldiers in various scenes call their enemies Jap suckers and dirty Japs .

  5. 日本鬼子在火车上运黄金。

    The Japs are carrying gold on the train .

  6. 因为我们只剩这些可以打日本鬼子了。

    Because that 's all we got left to throw at the japanese .

  7. 你还帮日本鬼子抢咱们的棉花。

    You helped the Japanese rob us of cotton .

  8. 我拍了几张日本鬼子在抓一只猪的照片。

    I fired away at some Japanese invaders trying to catch a pig .

  9. 当日本鬼子侵占我们的家乡时,她和父亲逃入内地。

    When the Japanese invaded our city , she and father fled into inland .

  10. 把日本鬼子从我们的王国消灭。

    To eliminate the Japanese from our kingdom .

  11. 日本鬼子会在那儿找到我。

    The Japs can get me there .

  12. 这儿四周到处都有日本鬼子。

    Around here the Japs are everywhere .

  13. 日本鬼子的黄金在哪?

    Where is the Japanese gold ?

  14. 日本鬼子总是抓住他们!

    The Japs always get them !

  15. 谁想打日本鬼子和德国佬都行。

    I 'll take any man wants to kick the shite out of the Japs and the Huns .

  16. 他们为第14航空队(飞虎队)运来了燃料、食物、弹药和药品,抗击日本鬼子。

    They kept the fuel , beans , bullets and bandages coming so the14th Air Force could take on the Japanese .

  17. 地主不仅夺走了他们的粮食,甚至把他们留的种子也搜刮一空,拿去供奉日本鬼子。

    Not only their grain had been uncovered by the landlords and turned over to the Japanese , but even their seed .

  18. 这次可不仅仅是大刀向鬼子们的头上砍去了,试试各种强力的武器,干掉日本鬼子!

    This can not only whittle the devils head of the latter , try various powerful weapons , kill the Japanese aggressors !

  19. 对于十几亿中华儿女来说,南京是一个伤心之地。1937年,几十万中国平民在南京惨遭日本鬼子屠杀。

    For billions of Chinese , Nanjing is a poignant place where thousands of Chinese civilians were slaughtered by the Japanese invaders in1937 .

  20. 在第二次世界大战时期,这村子里的男女老少全被日本鬼子杀害了。

    During the Second World War , every man and every woman and every child in that village was killed by Japanese soldiers .

  21. 我呼吁所有的中国人团结一致,全力与日本鬼子做斗争!

    I call on all the Chinese to unite and work as one , and do everything what we can to fight against the Nip !

  22. 想想金日成和他的游击队战友们在打日本鬼子时彼此做的忠诚宣誓(当然,日本现在还是鬼子),一切是多么讽刺。

    The irony is rich since Kim and his fellow band of guerrillas swore oaths of fealty to each other when fighting the Japanese ( and Japan remains a bogey ) .

  23. 他的分析让我联想到当年进村抢粮的日本鬼子,由于八路军坚壁清野,他们就像无头的苍蝇在村子里到处乱窜。

    His analysis reminds me of Japanese who went villages and robbed grains , because the eight route army was clearing enemies and they had to run around like flies in villages .

  24. 最近在中国国内的航班上,我注意到飞机下拉屏幕上在播一部中国孤胆英雄暴打日本鬼子的电影,但是放眼望去好像一个看的人都没有。

    On a domestic airline in China recently , I notedthat a movie showing a lone Chinese hero defeating a Japanese horde was playingon drop-down screens . Not one passenger seemed to be watching it .