
  • 网络helioseismology
  1. 同时随着日震学的成熟发展,星震学也成为探测恒星内部结构的一种基本工具。

    And age smaller than the Sun . Following the success of helioseismology , asteroseismology is now becoming a fundamental tool for penetrating the internal structure of stars .

  2. 日震学在研究太阳内部结构和演化方面取得的巨大成就促使人们去研究那些具有类似太阳振动现象的恒星。

    The great achievements in research of the Sun 's interior structure and evolution by using helioseismology encouraged people to study the fixed stars with oscillation phenomenon similar to that of the Sun .

  3. 为了进一步探索太阳对流区的物理性质,我们利用高精度N的日震观测数据来研究太阳内部扰动磁场对低阶太阳P模振动的影响。

    To investigate the physical nature of solar convective zone , we employ the observed frequency shifts of solar oscillations to study the influence of magnetic perturbation inside the Sun on the low solar p mode oscillations .

  4. 随着日震学的发展,该理论也得到了很大改进。

    With the development of helioseismology , the solar dynamo has made great progresses .

  5. 90年代以来理论与观测日震频率的差别已随输入物理参量及太阳振荡理论的改进而大为减小,可是现有的差别仍远大于观测误差。

    The discrepancy between theoretical and observational frequencies has drastically decreased in the 1990s due to modified input physics and improved stellar oscillation theory . However , the discrepancy is still bigger than the observational error .

  6. 2001年4月12日施甸震群特征

    The Swarm Feature of Shidian Earthquake on April 12 , 2001

  7. 1999年9月24日福州震群活动与地震构造的关系

    The relationship between the Sep.24 , 1999 Fuzhou earthquake swarm activity and seismic structure

  8. 2005年9月23日拜城震群特征及形变前兆分析

    The characteristic of Baicheng earthquake swarm on sept.23,2005 and the analysis of the deformation precursor

  9. 小笠原1982年7月4日深震震源参数的确定

    Determination of the Source Parameters for the Deep Focus Earthquake of July 4 , 1982 in Izu-Bonin

  10. 对2002年8月20日的小震群进行了分析,结果表明这些地震发生在长白山天池内的西南部,震源深度距离天池水面一般小于4km深,震群的震中位置呈北西向线性分布。

    By analyzing the earthquake swarm recorded in 20 Aug. , 2002 , we found that the events are almost all located within the southwest of Tianchi Lake , and the focal depths are usually less than 4 km from the surface , the epicenters tend to northwest direction .