
  • 网络Dance Theatre;Tanztheater
  1. 在返回凯恩斯的路上,您可以体验到具有浓郁原住民文化的世界著名的查普凯舞蹈剧场。

    Head back to Cairns , where you can continue your Aboriginal experience with the world-famous dance theatre Tjapukai .

  2. 台北无垢舞蹈剧场的创始人兼艺术总监林丽珍说,“如今台湾的舞蹈场景非常多样化,有很多规模不一,风格各异的舞团。”

    Lin Lee-Chen , 65 , the founder and artistic director of the Legend Lin Dance Theater in Taipei , said , " The dance scene in Taiwan today is very diverse , " with dance companies " of all sizes and styles . "

  3. 公园里还将设有提供向电影《舞出我人生》致敬的舞蹈表演的剧场区以及基于《分歧者》打造的娱乐设施。

    There will also be a theatrical section with dance shows in tribute to the movie Step Up and attractions based on Divergent .