
jiù yè
  • old trade or profession
旧业 [jiù yè]
  • (1) [former trade; predeces-sors cause]∶旧日从事的事业或行业;前人的事业

  • 放弃旧业

  • (2) [old property]∶以前的财产

  • 旧业无存

  1. 我想进入政坛,或者重操律师旧业。不过我不想进学校去专门学习。

    I want to try my hand at politics , or go back to the law . I don 't want to go to school for it , though

  2. 帕格尼尼终于重操他的巡回演奏的旧业。

    And in time Paganini resumed his career as a touring virtuoso .

  3. 他早就急不可耐地盼望重操文学旧业了。

    He had already been growing anxious to resume his literary career .

  4. 在教了几年书以后,他终于重操新闻旧业了。

    After years of teaching he finally returned to journalism , his first love .

  5. 他重操屠夫旧业,找到一份每周工资19美元的工作。

    He turned to his old trade as butcher , got a job at $ 19a week .

  6. 于是桑切斯老人决定重拾旧业,继续卖冰棍来养家,家里有他的太太和孙子们。

    So Mr Sanchez decided to dust off his ice-cream cart to support his wife and grandchildren . '

  7. 自从他重整旧业以来,这是他第一次觉得旧日的兴趣又恢复了。

    For the first time since reviving the subject he felt a return of his old interest in it .

  8. 在这里她重操在爱尔兰时的旧业,靠着她那优良的管理和很会说话的舌头。

    Here she set up the same trade she had followed in Ireland , by her admirable management and a good tongue .

  9. 帕格尼尼青年时代生活放荡。帕格尼尼终于重操他的巡回演奏的旧业。

    Paganini had led a wild life as a youth . And in time Paganini resumed his career as a touring virtuoso .

  10. 于是他变回人类,重拾切石匠旧业,辛勤劳作,大汗淋漓。

    And a man he was , and in the sweat of his brow he toiled again at his trade of stone-cutting .

  11. 你有来自旧业的潜势,但你也有当下选择的成分,那种选择在你用这个方式分析时,就极其明显起来。

    You 've got potentials coming in from past kamma , but you 've also got the element of present choice , which becomes extremely clear when you analyze things in this way .

  12. 在本季开始时,由于不想再犯法,沃特和杰西一度停止了制毒,但索尔想让他们从操旧业。

    Saul is trying to get Walt and Jesse-their meth-lab business in limbo at the start of the season , with neither wanting to break the law anymore-to return to their lucrative criminal ways .