
jiù qínɡ rén
  • old flame
  1. 有人看见休跟旧情人约会。

    Sue was seen dating an old flame

  2. 他是萨拉的旧情人,是她作为单身时髦女郎时的旧爱。

    He is an old flame of Sarah 's , from her days as a single girl about town .

  3. 他和萨拉的旧情人打起来了。

    He was involved in a punch-up with Sarah 's former lover .

  4. 伦肖揭示了20种女性用来报复旧情人的离奇手段。

    Renshaw reveals 20 bizarre ways in which women have got their own back on former loved ones .

  5. 他依然苦恋着旧情人。

    He is still carrying the torch for his old sweetheart .

  6. 我不禁纳闷,我们可以和旧情人做朋友吗?

    I couldn 't help wonder , can we be friends with ex ?

  7. 在网上将旧情人加为好友,这样做合适吗?

    Is it really a good idea to'friend'our old flames and crushes online ?

  8. 我不去是因为他是我的旧情人

    I 'm not at the wedding , because he 's my ex-boyfriend ...

  9. 每个都是你的旧情人吗?

    Did you love all three of them ?

  10. 就像旧情人一样,他们可以原谅你,但是永远不会忘记你的所为。

    Like an old lovers , they can forgive but they will never forget .

  11. 你还见过你的旧情人吗?

    Have you ever seen your old flame ?

  12. 现在她对这位旧情人的保护既充满了戒备,也由衷地感激。

    She was now absolutely alarmed and really grateful for her old lover 's protection .

  13. 你的旧情人来了。

    Here comes your old lady .

  14. 她知道,丈夫怀疑她对旧情人还有感觉。

    She knew her husband was suspicious that she might still have feelings for her old flame .

  15. 喔,你们俩还没有谈及令人尴尬的旧情人话题。没。

    Oh , you two haven 't had the awkward exes conversation yet . ELENA : DAMON : Oops .

  16. 每当女人在现实的感情遇到不顺利的时候,她都会想念旧情人。

    Woman will miss their old lover the moment they have a problem with their love in the real world .

  17. 感染力的确,一个人该如何解释见到旧情人lover:情人,爱人jolt:一击,震惊;令人震惊(或失望的事)electricity:电那种电光火石的感受呢?

    How does one explain the indescribable pull to see an old lover , to feel that jolt of electricity ? -

  18. 大街上突然遇见分别多年的旧情人,她像泥塑木雕似的呆住了。

    Never expecting to come across her old lover in the street after many years apart , she was stunned as wooden as a dummy .

  19. 在下面的歌曲,歌手多莉帕顿告诉她的新爱,她的旧情人,她的旧情人,不能与他相比。

    In the following song , singer Dolly Parton tells her new love that her old flames , her old lovers , cannot compare with him .

  20. 海伦拉米雷斯(凯蒂胡拉多饰),凯恩的旧情人,支持他,但她却无能为力。

    Helen Ram í rez ( Katy Jurado ), Kane 's former lover , supports him , but there is little she can do to help .

  21. 前不久的一个晚上我和妻子在酒店时,我遇见了旧情人,我们3人在一起相处得极好。

    I was in a pub with my wife the other evening when I met an old flame and the three of us got on remarkably well together .

  22. 在其1962年上演的《钥匙的主人们》中,主角包藏为德国秘密警察工作的旧情人,因此杀死了目击者。

    In " The Owner of the Keys ", a play published in1962 , the hero kills a witness who sees him sheltering a former lover from the Gestapo .

  23. 你知道你的旧情人并不合适自己,你也不适合他。那你们为什么总会走回到一起?

    You know that your ex isn 't good for you , and you know that you aren 't good for your ex. So why do you keep returning to each other ?

  24. 贾樟柯说他的灵感来自中国经典电影《小城之春》,也是关于发生在中国东部的一个水乡小镇的旧情人团聚的故事。

    Jia has stated that he was inspired by the classic Chinese film Spring in a Small Town , also about the reuniting of former lovers in a rural river town in eastern China .

  25. 侠女俞秀莲(杨紫琼饰)来到朋友贝勒爷家中,这一次是参加他的葬礼,一个旧情人也来到她的身边。

    Once again the warrior Shu Lien ( Michelle Yeoh ) comes to the home of her friend Sir Te , this time for his funeral , and is joined there by an old flame .

  26. 福德瑞克·艾格曼是一位成功的律师。一天,他带着年轻妻子安妮去观看一场演出,演出结束他走到后台与旧情人会面。

    Fredrik Egerman , a prosperous lawyer , attends the theatre with his young wife , Anne , and later goes backstage to arrange a rendezvous with his former mistress , D é sir é e Armfeldt .

  27. 我明白每个人都有过去,你会有旧情人噶相啊,信啊,礼物甘噶野,但系唔好系我面前晒,有咩烂咗唔好怪我!

    I know everyone has past , you can keep your ex-girl friend 's pictures , letter , mail , presents , but don 't show it in front of me , or else don 't blame me if some of them broken .

  28. 女性的婚外情对象一般是相识的人,比如同事或者旧情人,而不是在网上发展。而男性会去夜总会和酒吧,希望在那里和不同于伴侣的人发展一段短暂的恋情。

    Away from the internet women tend to strike up relationships with people they already know , such as work colleagues or former flames . Men on the other hand will head to nightclubs and bars in the hope of finding fleeting romance with someone other than their spouse .