
  • 网络San Francisco earthquake
  1. 1906年旧金山地震的震级为8.3级。

    The San Francisco earthquake of 1906 had a magnitude of 8.3 .

  2. 旧金山地震是世纪性的灾难之一。

    The San Francisco earthquake was one of the worst catastrophes of the century .

  3. 对1906年旧金山地震期间雷斯角火车站地面加速度的估计

    Estimates of the ground accelerations at Piont Reyes Station during the 1906 San Francisco earthquake

  4. 这次地震的强度比1906年的旧金山地震高出三分之一。

    This earthquake had a force one-third as great again as the1906 San Francisco earthquake .

  5. 比如说,洪先生的大伯就是在1906年旧金山地震中丧生的。

    Mr. Hom 's great-uncle , for example , died in the San Francisco earthquake of 1906 .

  6. 旧金山地震造成更多的破坏,它发生在人口密集地方。

    But the San Francisco quake caused more damage because it struck in a place where there were so many people living .

  7. 与旧金山地震一样,保险公司的撤资行为扰乱了日元的价值。

    In an echo of the San Francisco disaster , the repatriation of money by insurers has disrupted the value of the yen .

  8. 以国民产出衡量,日本地震造成的破坏最终可能是旧金山地震的两倍甚至三倍。

    Relative to national output , the Japanese disaster may end up being two or even three times costlier than the San Francisco quake .

  9. 1907年,经过一年的拖延,由于从旧金山地震的破坏,费尔蒙特开辟了第一次大门。

    In1907 , after a one-year delay due to damage from the San Francisco earthquake , The Fairmont opened its doors for the first time .

  10. 1906年旧金山地震发生后,中国媒体迅速进行了报道,但华侨受灾情况不明,让国人非常担忧。

    When San Francisco earthquake happened in1906 , the media in China reported it rapidly , but the stricken condition of overseas Chinese was unclear , which worried the people in China very much .

  11. 人们对旧金山大地震至今仍记忆犹新。

    The earthquake in San Francisco is well within living memory .

  12. 1906年4月旧金山的地震就是一个很好的例子。

    The April 1906 earthquake in San Francisco is a case in point .

  13. 那次旧金山发生地震的等级记录为芮氏7.8级,是一次非常大的地震。

    The San Francisco earthquake registered 7.8 on the Richter scale , making it a major earthquake .

  14. 地震专家说,1959年的黄石的地震,差不多相当于1906年发生在旧金山的地震。

    Earthquake experts say that the Yellowstone quake of 1959 was about as bad as the one which hit San Francisco in 1906 .

  15. 地震专家说,1959年的黄石的地震,差不多相当于1906年发生在旧金山的地震。旧金山地震造成更多的破坏,他发生在人口密集地方。

    Earthquake experts say that the Yellowstone quake of 1959 was about as bad as the one which hit San Francisco in 1906.But the San Francisco quake caused more damage because it struck in a place where there were so many people living .

  16. 谁也忘不了1905年那场几乎毁掉旧金山的大地震。

    No one has ever forgotten the great quake that destroyed San Francisco in 1905 .

  17. 2000~2030年旧金山湾地区地震发生概率研究总结

    Earthquake probabilities in the San Francisco bay region : 2000 to 2030-a summary of findings

  18. 加利福尼亚的一个大的地质断层;从圣地亚哥延伸到旧金山;严重地震的产物。

    A major geological fault in california ; runs from San Diego to San francisco ; the source of serious earthquakes .

  19. 在很久之前,在一个由于旧金山海湾地区的地震所带来的艰难房地产市场中,Mila曾在这里当一名地产经纪人。

    Long ago Mila was a realtor in a difficult market due to an earthquake in the San Francisco Bay Area .