
  • 网络san francisco conference;United Nations Conference on International Organization
  1. 牙买加卫生部长将在旧金山会议上介绍其国家经验。

    Jamaica 's Minister of Health will present his country 's experiences at the San Francisco conference .

  2. 至旧金山会议中国的大国地位已基本确立之时,中国代表团才更多地关注联合国的组织和机制。

    Up until the San Francisco conference , when its position was secured , China 's delegation paid no attention to the UN 's structure and mechanism .

  3. 在太平洋沿岸建筑工地在旧金山会议本星期,你可以找到家居设计并开始出现智能材料中的元素,也许未来的超级连接的家园。

    At the Pacific Coast Builders'Conference in San Francisco this week , you can find the elements of home design and smart materials beginning to emerge , perhaps the future of super connected homes .

  4. 我去旧金山参加会议了。

    To San Francisco for a convention .

  5. 关于旧金山州长会议通过的法律,下列哪个选项是正确的?

    Which one of the following statements is TURE of the local law passed by San Francisco 's board of governors ? 2 .

  6. 在旧金山的推销会议上,西莉亚等掌声平静下去,继续发言。

    At the San Francisco sales meeting after waiting for applause to subside , Celia continued her address .

  7. 去年,旧金山的州长会议通过了一项地方法律,禁止将该化学物质用于儿童用品。

    Last year , San Francisco 's board of governors passed a local law banning the use of the chemical in children 's products .

  8. 美国地球物理学协会12月4号在旧金山举行了会议,在会议中前宇航员、现任美航局科学理事会首席长官约翰·格伦斯菲尔德宣布了这项计划。

    Former astronaut John Grunsfeld , now NASA 's science chief , announced the new rover mission December 4th during a meeting of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco .

  9. 美国地球物理学会主席约翰奥克特在该组织上周于旧金山召开的会议上指出,这些技术上的发展已使人类十分接近大好机遇。

    These technological developments have brought humanity to the brink of great opportunities , said American Geophysical Union president John Orcutt at a meeting of the group last week in San Francisco .

  10. 思科宣布此消息的时间是本周一下午,也就是旧金山RSA信息安全会议正式开幕前一天。

    The announcement was made Monday afternoon , a day before the official start of the RSA conference in San Francisco .

  11. 他今晚要在旧金山的一个会议上演讲。

    So he 's speaking at this conference in San Francisco tonight .

  12. 中国是当年旧金山联合国制宪会议的四个发起国之一。

    China was one of the four charter countries in the United Nations Constitution Drafting Meeting in San Francisco at that time .

  13. 周二,谷歌在旧金山的游戏开发者会议演讲中为“游戏业的未来”提供了自己的见解,他们要采取不同的方法。

    But Google appears poised to take a different approach when it presents its vision for the " future of gaming " during its Game Developers Conference ( GDC ) presentation on Tuesday in San Francisco .

  14. 阿历克斯·霍奇是莫纳什健康中心的肝病研究专家。本周,他在旧金山美国肝病联盟会议上发表了自己的研究。

    Alex Hodge , a liver disease specialist at Monash Health , revealed the findings of the study this week at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases in San Francisco .