
  1. 剖宫产术后早孕流产大出血病例分析

    Abortion of Early Pregnancy Bleeding after Cesarean Section Cases Analysis

  2. 米非司酮终止早孕流产物的病理观察

    The pathological investigations on termination of early pregnancy with mifepristone

  3. 早孕流产行手动真空吸引术后的宫腔粘连

    Intrauterine adhesions after manual vacuum aspiration for early pregnancy failure

  4. 宫腔镜对早孕流产后宫内残留物的诊治意义

    Value of hysteroscopy in diagnosis and treatment of residuum in uterus after early artificial abortion

  5. 宫腔镜诊治早孕流产术后月经异常90例临床分析

    Hysteroscopic diagnosis and therapy for abnormal uterine bleeding after early pregnancy abortion & analysis of 90 cases

  6. 方法收集2005年8月~2006年8月计划生育门诊1200例早孕流产患者,从中筛选出357例,在B超监测下行人工流产术。

    Methods 357 cases were selected from 1200 early pregnant patients to perform artificial abortion under B-ultrasonic monitoring .

  7. 目的:探讨舌下含服米索前列醇配伍米非司酮用于早孕流产的可行性、安全性及有效性。

    AIM : To explore the feasibility , safety , efficacy of sublingual misoprostol in combination with mifepristone in early pregnancy termination .

  8. 细胞凋亡及Fas、Bcl-2mRNA在早孕药物流产绒毛组织中的表达

    Apoptosis and Expression of Fas and Bcl-2 mRNA in Trophoblasts in Early Medical Abortion

  9. 方法选用早孕人工流产蜕膜组织进行体外培养,采用胰蛋白酶和EDTA消化,进行全组分蜕膜细胞培养,利用传3代的方法对蜕膜基质细胞进行分离提纯。

    Methods Abortion decidual tissues were digested with trypsin and EDTA . All components of the decidual cells were cultured together .

  10. 目的:探讨孕妇及胎儿Rh(D/E)血型不合的免疫性溶血病的治疗,预防孕妇早孕自然流产或不足月死胎。

    Objective : To investigate the therapy of Rh ( D / E ) hemolytic diseases caused by maternal-fetal blood group incompatibility , prevent the spontaneous abortion and fatal death .

  11. 子宫内膜、正常早孕和流产蜕膜组织中△Np63的表达

    Expression of △ Np63 in Human Endometrium and Decidua of Normal Early Pregnancy and Spontaneous Abortion

  12. 方法采用免疫组化染色测定绒毛组织中ICAM-1和VCAM-1的表达,其中正常早孕人工流产组20例,米非司酮药物流产组22例。

    Methods The expression of ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 in chorionic villi in 20 early pregnancy abortion women and 22 cases of mifepristone-induced abortion were tested by immunohistochemical technique .

  13. 8885例早孕人工流产中葡萄胎发生情况调查

    Survey of Hydatidiform Mole Incidence among 8885 Patients after Artificial Abortion

  14. 早孕人工流产合并尖锐湿疣的处理

    A Study on The treatment of Condylomata Acuminate in Early Pregnancy

  15. 宫颈黏液中人绒毛膜促性腺激素可预测早孕期流产

    Human chorionic gonadotropin in cervical fluid as a predictor of miscarriage

  16. 米索前列醇在早早孕人工流产术前的应用

    Application for Misoprostol Before Induced Abortion for the First Early Pregnancy

  17. 超声监测早孕药物流产的临床应用价值

    The clinic value of ultrasonography in drug induced abortion for early pregnancy

  18. 米索前列醇在剖宫产术后早孕药物流产术中的应用

    Drug abortion with misoprostol in pregnancy after uterine-incision delivery

  19. 米非司酮用于早孕药物流产作用的研究进展

    Development in application of mifepristone in early medical abortion

  20. 补肾健脾方对早孕先兆流产患者内分泌的影响

    Effect of bushen jianpi recipe on threatened abortion of first-trimester pregnancy and mechanism

  21. 200例早孕药物流产效果分析

    A report on abortion effect of 200 cases with early pregnancy induced by drug

  22. 80例未产妇女早孕药物流产临床观察

    80 Cases on the Clinic Survey of the Medical Abortion of Early Pregnant Women

  23. B超监测在早孕人工流产中的应用

    The Application of B-ultrasonic Monitoring in Artificial Abortion

  24. 目的探讨早孕人工流产术前应用米索前列醇(米索)的途径。

    Objective To study the way of using Misoprostol before induced abortion in early pregnancy .

  25. 早孕人工流产术前的宫颈准备

    Cervical Preparation before First Trimester Vacuum Aspiration

  26. 探讨笑气吸入在早孕人工流产术中的镇痛作用。

    Clinic study of combination of spasfon and laughing gas in painless artificial abortion of outpatients ;

  27. 111例正常早孕人工流产的胎盘组织作绒毛蜕膜组织化学观察。

    A histochemical study of placental and decidual tissue from 111 cases of early pregnancy was reported .

  28. 方法回顾性分析52例畸形子宫早孕人工流产术的临床资料。

    [ Methods ] 52 cases of abnormal uterus with early pregnant in the induced abortion were retrospectively reviewed .

  29. 就诊和咨询原因前三位为月经问题,生殖器官疾病及早孕和流产;

    The top three reasons for using the clinic were menstrual problem , diseases of reproductive organs and pregnancy .

  30. 整合素β3及细胞外基质分子纤粘连蛋白、层粘连蛋白在早孕药物流产蜕膜与绒毛中的表达

    Expression of integrin β _3 and extracellular matrix : fibronectin and laminin in decidua and chorionic villi of medical abortion for early pregnancy