
zǎo ān
  • good morning
早安 [zǎo ān]
  • [good morning] 早上好,上午见面或分别时说的话

早安[zǎo ān]
  1. 早安,神父。

    Good morning , Reverend .

  2. 他彬彬有礼地说了声早安。

    He said a civil good morning .

  3. 霍尔兴致十足地向他打招呼,戈曼和沃森却满脸不豫之色,敷衍地咕哝句“早安”

    Hall greeted him jovially enough , but Gorman and Walson scowled as they grunted curt " Good Mornings . "

  4. 门萨俱乐部向《早安美国》证实,现年3岁的卡什·奎斯特于2021年3月29日加入门萨俱乐部美国分会,当时年仅两岁的她智商高达146,这使她成为门萨俱乐部最年轻的美国会员。

    Kashe Quest , now 3 , joined the American branch of the organization on March 29 , 2021 , at age 2 with an IQ of 146 , making her the youngest American member , Mensa confirmed to " Good Morning America . "

  5. 这里是ABC新闻的早安美国,纽约为您发回的报道。

    For Good Morning America , ABC News . New York .

  6. 这里是早安美国,ABC新闻报道,尼克,洛杉矶报道。

    For good morning America , Nick , ABC NEWS , LA .

  7. 这里是莎拉·海因茨,早安美国,纽约ABC新闻为您报道。

    For Good Morning American , Sarah Heinz , ABC News New York .

  8. ABC新闻,早安美国,林赛詹尼斯,巴哈马群岛报道。

    For Good Morning America , Lindsey Janis , ABC News , the Bahamas .

  9. 早安美国,ABC新闻,林兹·詹尼斯,纽约报道。

    For Good Morning America , Linzie Janis , abc NEWS , New York .

  10. ABC新闻,克里斯·康纳利,早安美国,洛杉矶报道。

    Good Morning , America , Chris Connelly , ABC News , Los Angeles .

  11. 早安.这里是src国际公司.有什么我可以为您服务?

    Good morning . SRC international . How may I help you ?

  12. 她还在《早安美国》(GoodMorningAmerica)中亮相,罗宾·罗伯茨(RobinRoberts)说她为变性人能更多的被社会所关注“照亮了道路”。

    She appeared on " Good Morning America , " where Robin Roberts said she was " blazing a path " for transgender visibility .

  13. 我不谈论我的爱情生活。泰勒斯威夫特在接受ABC的早安美国节目采访时说。

    I dont really talk about my love life , said Taylor Swift , interviewed Monday on ABCs Good Morning America .

  14. 在荷尔蒙的影响下,我们会产生不理智的思想和行动。在ABC电视台的早安美国节目中,他这样说道。

    He told ABC 's Good Morning America that the season is fraught with hormonally-driven behaviour - driving irrational actions and thoughts .

  15. 早安,我是XYZ公司的行销经理李杰生。

    Good morning . I am Jackson Lee , Marketing Manager of XYZ Company .

  16. 我是早安美国节目的HilarieBarsky,今天我们的嘉宾是CindyCrawford。

    I 'm Hilarie Barsky for Good Morning America , now my guest is Cindy Crawford .

  17. 美国罗德岛洲的一位女观众对《早安美国》主持人LaraSpencer说,如果没有《奥普拉温弗瑞脱口秀》看的话,那她都不知道下午该干什么了。

    The Rhode Island woman told Good Morning America anchor Lara Spencer that she 's not sure what she 'll do with her afternoons without the show .

  18. 难道说“早安,luisa”或“好漂亮的连身裤”有那么困难吗?

    I mean , would it have been so hard to say " Morning , Luisa " ? Or " Nice overalls " ?

  19. 早安,Frakesh先生

    Hey , good morning , Mr. Frakesh .

  20. 1987年,他在《早安越南》里饰演了滔滔不绝的部队播音员AdrianCronauer,这个角色也让他迎来了人生中第一个奥斯卡提名,在随后的演艺生涯里,他共提名四次。

    Those abilities were showcased in 1987 's " Good Morning , Vietnam , " where his performance as motormouth military disc jockey Adrian Cronauer earned him the first of four career Oscar nominations .

  21. 《祝你生日快乐》的旋律来自歌曲《祝大家早安》,后者是一对美国姊妹PattyHillandMildredJ.Hill于1983年创作的。

    The melody of Happy Birthday to You comes from the song Good Morning to All , which was written and composed by American siblings Patty Hill and Mildred J. Hill in 1893 .

  22. 我听说过一件事,就是有一个男孩的Netflix账号被黑客黑了,但黑客并没有改掉他的账号和密码而是和他聊了起来,然后他们互相推荐电影什么的。更多实用有趣节目搜索微博微信:早安英文

    I did hear a story about a guy who got his Netflix account hacked but instead of the hacker changing the guys password , he left the password the same and the two just recommended movies to one another .

  23. 《早安美国》去年制作了一档新节目《走吧!Freshman15》,里面给出了一些相当实用的建议,其中一条“别把食堂当成美味天堂”真是直击大学生的要害呀。

    The truism is still taken so seriously that the news program " Good Morning America " did a 2014 segment titled " Beat the Freshman 15 " and offered helpful tips such as , " The dining hall is not an all-you-can-eat steakhouse . "

  24. 这项调查的委托方是英国独立电台(ITV)的“早安英国”节目,该节目鼓励观众在社交媒体上分享自己的第一张自拍照,并打上标签“#自拍尊严(SelfieEsteem)”。

    ITV 's Good Morning Britain show , which commissioned the research , is encouraging viewers to share the first selfie they take on social media under the hashtag \# SelfieEsteem .

  25. 这项调查的委托方是英国独立电台(ITV)的早安英国节目,该节目鼓励观众在社交媒体上分享自己的第一张自拍照,并打上标签自拍尊严(SelfieEsteem)。

    ITV 's Good Morning Britain show , which commissioned the research , is encouraging viewers to share the first selfie they take on social media under the hashtag # SelfieEsteem .

  26. 在最近的独立电视台《早安英国》节目中,这位前灯光师说,他被送进了位于墨西哥边境以北几英里的提华纳市的ChulaVista医疗中心,在那里他安装了一个支架。

    During his recent bombshell interview on ITV 's Good Morning Britain , the former lighting director said he was admitted to the Sharp Chula Vista Medical Center , just a few miles north of the Mexican border in Tijuana , where a stent was fitted .

  27. 你的初中毕业致词上了“早安美国”了吗?

    Was your junior-high graduation on " Good Morning America " ?

  28. -早安-我是西恩,楼下的邻�

    Good morning . I 'm Sean . I live downstairs .

  29. 早安,全世界最烂的天气预报员

    Well , good morning , world 's worst weather girl .

  30. 他是早安秀的主持人。

    He was the host of that rise and shine show .