
zǎo wǎn
  • morning and evening;sooner or later;time;some time;some time in the future
早晚 [zǎo wǎn]
  • (1) [morning and evening]∶早晨和晚上

  • 他每天早晚都练气功

  • (2) [time]∶时候

  • 他已走了多半天了,这早晚多半已经到家了

  • (3) [some time in the future] 〈方〉∶泛指将来某个时候

  • 你早晚进城来,到我们这里坐坐

  • (4) [sooner or later]∶或早或晚

  • 人早晚要死的

早晚[zǎo wǎn]
  1. 第二天或同一天早晚两次使用同样的MMS注射剂量。

    Do the same MMS IV dose the second day or twice in one day , morning and evening .

  2. 在早晚高峰过后,PM2.5水平会升至每立方米59微克。

    After the morning and evening rush hour , PM2.5 levels rise to as high as 59 micrograms per cubic meter .

  3. 你早晚得拿个主意。

    Sooner or later you will have to make a decision .

  4. 早晚有一天,我们会让你成为一名网球选手的。

    We 'll make a tennis player of you yet .

  5. 如果你继续这样,早晚得进监狱。

    If you go on like this you 'll end up in prison .

  6. 现在看来,他们辞职是早晚的事。

    It now seems only a matter of time before they resign

  7. 不管是谁干的这事,早晚要被抓住并受到惩罚。

    Whoever did this will sooner or later be caught and will be punished

  8. 我们早晚都会有一死。

    We are all bound by the inevitability of death

  9. 他可别忘了任何人的运气早晚都会用完的。

    He would do well to remember that , sooner or later , everyone 's luck runs out

  10. 对于那些只能在早晚抽出几个小时的人来说,这是最理想不过的了。

    This makes it ideal for those who can only manage a few hours in the morning or evening

  11. 他早晚得去。

    He 'll have to go there sooner or later .

  12. 这个商店附设了一个早晚服务部。

    This store has set up an after-hours department .

  13. “他早晚活活气死我;他*”他说不下去了,呆呆地坐着。

    “ He 'll be the death of me ; he * ”; words failed him and he sat quite still .

  14. 听不进群众意见,早晚要吃苦头的。

    If you turn a deaf ear to the masses ' criticism , sooner or later you will have to pay for it .

  15. 早晚我们要收拾这个坏蛋。

    We 'll settle scores with the scoundrel one of these days .

  16. 我心想他早晚总会来的。

    I thought he would turn up sooner or later .

  17. 他经常酒后开车,早晚得出事。果不其然!

    He often drove when drunk , I knew something would happen sooner or later and wasn 't I right !

  18. 他认为,地方政府通过卖地、强拆来追求GDP代价太大,早晚要还。“我愿意用一个政协委员的身份非常严肃地提出问题,我们是不是可以不要那么重视GDP?我们是不是可以选择减缓经济发展的速度?”

    CUI YONGYUAN , member of the CPPCC National Committee and TV host " Demolitions are now becoming increasingly terrible . I am willing to ask a question very seriously as a CPPCC National Committee member : Can we not pay so much attention to GDP ? Can we choose to slow down the speed of economic development ? "

  19. 85岁的人……尽情地吃甜食吧,反正你早晚都需要牙医的。

    Dear 85-year-old ... Indulge your sweet tooth , you 'll need dentists soon anyway .

  20. 人早晚都有一死。

    Everybody dies sooner or later .

  21. 当你对Eclipse平台感到非常舒适的时候,这一系列书籍确实早晚能派上用场。

    Once you are comfortable with the Eclipse platform , the series books really come in handy .

  22. 结论脾恶性淋巴瘤的诊断主要依靠B超和CT,病期的早晚影响其预后,以手术为主的综合治疗是本病的主要治疗方法。

    Conclusions The dignosis of splenic lymphoma is dependent mainly on B ultrasound examination and CT scanning . Splenectomy combined with chemotherapy may provide optimum therapy for patients with splenic lymphoma .

  23. 幼苗剪叶、土施微肥(Zn、Cu、Fe、B)、移栽相对早晚和浇水相对早晚对烤烟病毒病发病程度无显著影响。

    And the effects of clipping seedlings , applying microelements ( Zn Cu Fe B ) in soil , date of transplanting and date of irrigating were not significant .

  24. 结论EC患者RBC免疫功能低下,其受抑程度与患者病变的早晚有关;

    Conclusion RBC immunity functions were suppressed in the cases of EC , and its degree was associated with TNM stage of tumor .

  25. MADS-box基因对花的发育及开花早晚的影响

    The Effect of MADS-box Gene to the Development of Flower and Flowering-time

  26. 这真的只是个时间早晚问题,北京大学金融学教授迈克尔佩蒂斯(MICHAELPETTIS)表示。

    It was really just a question of time , said Michael Pettis , a finance professor at Beijing University .

  27. 结论结直肠原发性NHL病变大小、病期早晚、治疗方法的选择是影响其预后的主要因素。

    Conclusions The prognostic factors of NHL include the disease stage , the size of the lesion and treatment modality .

  28. 老年脑梗塞急性期血浆tPAPAI1VWF活性早晚变化研究

    A Study on Morning - afternoon Changes of plasma t - PA. PAI-1 and vWF Activities in Elderly Cases of Cerebral Infarction in Acute stage

  29. 因此我们认为,ENSO对云南降水的影响主要表现为云南雨季起讫的早晚。

    So in our opinion , this is the main influence of ENSO events upon Yunnan precipitation and it also associates with some characteristics of interdecadal variation .

  30. B组(治疗组):在西医糖尿病合并冠心病常规治疗的基础上加服运脾降糖通脉方,水煎服,每日一剂,分早晚两次服用。

    Group B ( in western medicine treatment group ) : diabetic coronary heart disease on the basis of conventional treatment with unclogged arteries take shipped spleen glucose-lowering square , the water frying uniform , daily , morning and evening twice a dose of drug .