
  • 网络corrosion process
  1. 应用自制的电位-pH平衡图和实验电位-pH图剖析了55%Al-Zn-1.6%Si合金镀层在不同pH条件下的腐蚀过程及其特征;

    Both the E-pH equilibrium diagram and the experimental E-pH diagram were used to investigate the corrosion process and characteristics of 55 % Al-Zn-1.6 % Si coating .

  2. Ti对镀层的腐蚀过程及耐蚀性能有明显影响,含Ti镀层的耐蚀性能显著提高。

    It is found by experiment that , Ti has an evident effect on the corrosion process and corrosion resistance of the coating .

  3. 基于MATLAB的硅各向异性腐蚀过程模拟

    Simulation of Anisotropic Etching of Silicon Based on MATLAB

  4. 油气管道CO2腐蚀过程中弹状流的影响

    Effect of slug flow on CO2 corrosion of pipeline in oil and gas industry

  5. MEMS器件各向异性腐蚀过程中的Al连线保护

    Protection of Al Lines in MEMS Device Anisotropic Etching

  6. GaAs抛光片腐蚀过程初步研究

    Primary Study of Etching Process for Polished GaAs Wafers

  7. 本文将利用计算机辅助设计(CAD)技术实现腐蚀过程的模拟。

    In the paper , computer aided design ( CAD ) technology is used to achieve simulation of sacrificial layer etching .

  8. Si元素与合金元素形成的第二相质点在整个高温氧化腐蚀过程中起到了关键的作用。

    Si element and alloy element can form the second phase . It is important during high temperature oxidation corrosion .

  9. TiN薄膜腐蚀过程的电化学原子力显微镜原位研究

    In Situ Research of the Early Stages of Corrosion in TiN Thin Films Using the Electrochemical Atomic Force Microscopy

  10. NaCl溶液中Al-Li合金腐蚀过程的电化学特征

    Electrochemical features of the corrosion of an aluminum-lithium alloy in 3.0 % NaCl solution

  11. 因此,MBO缓蚀膜的生成与铜本身的腐蚀过程有关。

    It is concluded that the inhibition of MBO is related to the corrosion of copper .

  12. 随着MEMSCAD技术的广泛发展,如何利用计算机模拟硅的各向异性腐蚀过程已经引起专业人士的广泛关注。

    With the development of the MEMS CAD technology , how to use computer simulate the silicon anisotropic etching has caused wide attention of professionals .

  13. 用FT-IR、UV-Vis和XPS等分子光谱和电子能谱方法研究了铜在Fe(CN)溶液中的腐蚀过程,表面膜的形成及其改性。

    FT-IR 、 UV-Vis and XPS spectroscopic methods were used for studying the corrosion processes 、 film formation and improvement of copper in Fe ( CN ) solution .

  14. 在VC++开发环境下利用OpenGL技术,实现了硅各向异性腐蚀过程的三维微观动态模拟,为深刻理解硅的各向异性腐蚀过程提供了直观的界面。

    With VC + + and OpenGL , it has accomplished the micro dynamic simulation of silicon anisotropic etching and provided researchers with a vivid interface to the etching process .

  15. 对于双相钢、316L钢,腐蚀过程主要受阳极反应控制。

    The flow-induced corrosion of both duplex stainless steel and 316L stainless steel are mainly controlled by the part of anode of corrosion reaction .

  16. 研究结果表明:镀铬层在Na2S溶液中的腐蚀过程有钝化产生;

    Experimental results indicate that corrosion and passivation occur simultaneously at the chromium coating in Na_2S solution .

  17. 本文首次应用一种新的示差图像技术(DifferenceViewerImagingTechnique,DVIT)研究AA7075铝合金及金属铜的局部腐蚀过程。

    A novel technique for in situ corrosion research called Difference Viewer Imaging Technique ( DVIT ) was used to investigate the localized corrosion of aluminum alloys and copper for the first time in this thesis .

  18. 结合SKP和SAM两种技术能够更深入认识涂层金属发生腐蚀过程中腐蚀电位及腐蚀区域的发展变化。

    Combination of SKP and SAM can be used to detect the changes of corrosion potential and micro-regions in the interface of coated metals .

  19. 根据Arrhenius方程计算结果,添加了缓蚀剂的活化能大于空白盐酸溶液的活化能,缓蚀剂的加入增大了腐蚀过程的反应能垒。

    And the activation energy which is calculated by the Arrhenius equation is bigger than blank . The energy barrier is increased with the addition of corrosion inhibitors .

  20. EIS实验结果表明自组装膜的存在可以对铁的腐蚀过程起到明显的抑制作用。但组装时间、缓蚀剂浓度、巯基的存在等因素对自组装膜的缓蚀性能有较大影响。

    EIS results indicated that the presence of the films could protect iron from corrosion effectively ; however , the immersion time , concentration and the mercapto group have great effect on the inhibition ability .

  21. 交流阻抗谱研究表明,碳钢在空白盐酸中及加入ODD及MZL-1缓蚀剂的盐酸中都属于典型的电化学活化腐蚀过程,阻抗谱图均只呈现容抗弧的特征。

    The results based on electrochemical impedance spectrum indicate the corrosion process of carbon steel is typical electrochemistry active polarization in hydrochloric acid , ODD and KI .

  22. 结果表明:可以通过交流阻抗技术绘制出电荷转移电阻(Rt)对阴极极化电位(Ee,c)曲线,用于分析腐蚀过程的控制机制,指导阴极保护参数的选取。

    The results revealed that charge transfer resistance ( R_t ) vs cathodic polarization potential ( E_ ( e , c )) curves plotted by EIS , which could be used to analyze control mechanism of corrosion process and to select appropriate cathodic protection parameters .

  23. 为了更好地分析腐蚀过程合金的腐蚀形貌和反应机理,进行了纯镁在氯化钠溶液、磷酸氢根溶液和磷酸缓冲溶液(PBS)的浸泡试验。

    To analyzed corrosive morphology and reaction mechanics of magnesium during corrosion processing better , the immersion test of pure magnesium was carried on , the solution circumstance include sodium chloride , sodium hydrogen phosphate , and PBS .

  24. 研究了灰铸铁、A3和一种稀土Cr-Si合金铸铁的锌液腐蚀过程和机制。

    The molten zinc attacking process of the bath materials , cast iron , carbon steel and Re-Cr-Si alloy cast iron has been studied .

  25. 试验结果和灰色理论分析表明:膜致应力大约在4h达到稳定,并在继续腐蚀过程中保持不变。

    The experimental results and grey theory analysis indicate that it takes 4 hours or so for the additive stress to reach its stabilization , and the stress can be nearly kept on the constant value in the continued process of SCC .

  26. SRB的生长代谢活动影响了316LSS表面的腐蚀过程,使不锈钢表面的钝化膜层腐蚀破坏程度增加,加速了316LSS的腐蚀。

    The experimental results showed that the metabolic activity of SRB influenced the corrosion process , increased the corrosion damage degree of the passive film , accelerated the corrosion rate of 316L SS with the increase of immersion time .

  27. 用慢应变速率拉伸(SSRT)技术研究了7075铝合金在应力腐蚀过程中的力学与电化学交互作用。

    The interaction between mechanics and electrochemistry during the stress corrosion cracking ( SCC ) of 7075 aluminum alloy was studied using slow strain rate tension ( SSRT ) technique .

  28. 结果表明,锌液对Fe3Si的腐蚀过程就是合金层的形成和熔解过程。

    The results show that the corrosion course of Fe_3Si in zinc liquid is just the one of alloy layer forming and smelting .

  29. 实验数据表明LY12CZ铝合金在质量分数为20%的EXCO溶液中的腐蚀过程可分为3个阶段:最初的14h内符合S型曲线规律,为点蚀的萌生及发展阶段;

    The results showed that the kinetics law can be divided into 3 stages during corrosion , which were pitting initiates and grows during the first 14 hours , the corrosion kinetics follows a S , shape curve law ;

  30. 由于合金中Γ1相和PFZ的开路电位都比铝基体低,在腐蚀过程中作为阳极相优先溶解,从而引起合金晶间腐蚀和剥落腐蚀。

    Since the PFZ and Γ _ 1 phase had more negative open-circuit potentials than the Al matrix , they could act as anodes in corrosive media and be dissolved preferentially . This might account for the intergranular and exfoliation corrosion of the titled alloy .