
  • 网络Fashion Products
  1. 有对时尚用品行业敏感的嗅觉。

    Good awareness to fashion industry .

  2. 在一家卖女士时尚用品店门口,一位不那么自然的大妈匆匆走过

    Sell the lady the vogue thing store doorway at a not so natural aunt walks through in a hurry

  3. 取决于你从哪个角度看待他们,他们用来耍花样不错,或者只当他们是最新的时尚用品。

    Depending on which way you look at them , they can be great for performing tricks or are just the latest fashionable commodity .

  4. 接下来让我们一起看看一些既新鲜又经久不衰的玩意儿,以及今夏女性时尚用品可以给你哪些灵感。

    Here 's a look at a few of the new and enduring items and inspirations at play in women 's fashion this summer season .

  5. 大多数人希望把钱花到珠宝(平均支出152400美元)、时尚用品(46200美元)和包租游艇(487000美元)上。

    Most will be putting money into jewelry ( average expenditure of $ 152,400 ), fashion items ( $ 46,200 ) and yacht charters ( $ 487,000 ) .

  6. 艺术品、红酒、法拉利跑车、私人飞机、度假和时尚用品的拍卖和私人出售的价格也在下滑,虽然程度各有不同。

    Prices at auction and in private sales for art , wine , Ferraris , private jets , vacations and fashion also have plummeted , though by varying degrees .

  7. 周颖认为,一方面韩剧带动了韩国家电、化妆品、食品和时尚用品的热销;另一方面,俊男美女们也重塑了韩国的国民形象。

    Zhou says that besides economic gains for South Korean appliances , make-up , food and fashion items , those pretty faces are re-constructing South Korea 's national image .

  8. 2008年成为“小破孩”的授权生产商,并在同年开创第一家时尚文化用品连锁店。

    In2008 a " small broken child ," the authorized manufacturers , in the same year to create the first fashion stationery stores .

  9. 川谷秀将专业的美妆概念融入到个人护理产品当中;打造出不同风格的文化内涵的时尚个人护理用品。

    Based on our understanding of beauty , we have made many different personal care products which satisfy with different kinds of customers'requests .

  10. 只有西班牙和法国喜欢时尚的名牌厨房用品。

    Only the Spanish and the French actually like sleek , designer kitchens .

  11. 江苏文艺台对时尚品牌、日用品、耐用消费品具有良好的广告价值;具有高效的到达率、渗透率,千人成本低,广告含金量高。

    Jiangsu and Taiwan Fashion brand , daily necessities and consumer durables have good advertising value ; the arrival rate is high , penetration , 1000low-cost , high gold content advertising .