
  • 网络Fashion Shopping
  1. 作为一种与传统模式不同的交易方式,电子商务具有简便、成本低、信息丰富等诸多优点,更是一种被年轻人青睐的时尚购物方式。

    As a different way of transaction from the traditional models , E-commerce has the advantages of simple , low cost , and informative , favored by young people as a fashion shopping way .

  2. 但它在加纳和尼日利亚也很活跃,后者是非洲人口最多的国家,微信在该国有一个三人小组,与当地初创企业展开合作,如在线招聘服务Jobberman和在线时尚购物服务Traclist。

    But it is also active in Ghana and Nigeria , the continent 's most populous nation , where it has a team of three and is working with Nigerian start-ups such as Jobberman , an online employment service , and Traclist , an online fashion shopping service .

  3. 好莱坞时尚购物指南现在,让我带着大家去体验真正的LA,一个结合时尚与娱乐的LA,来一趟好莱坞时尚购物之旅吧!

    Your Ultimate LA Shopping Guide Now , let 's go , It 's a combination of fashion and entertainment , Let 's have a Hollywood fashion shopping trip !

  4. 这里可能是墨尔本最热门的街道时尚购物地点了。

    This is perhaps the most popular example of laneway living in Melbourne City .

  5. 邻近的其他购物中心包括暹罗芭拉冈时尚购物城、玛汶空、世茂中心商场和暹罗广场。

    Other shopping malls in the nearby area include Siam Paragon , MBK , Central World Plaza , and Siam Square .

  6. 周围商场:当代商城、新中关购物中心、双安商场、华宇时尚购物、家乐福、超市发。

    Department Stores and Supermarkets : Modern Plaza , The Gate , Shuang'an Market , Huayu Fashion , Carrefour , Chaoshifa Supermarket .

  7. 家具网购时代有多远,我们从网上定制家具的时尚购物方式中找到端倪。

    How far is the era of net purchases of furniture , from the fashionable shopping online ordering furniture the way to find clues .

  8. 规模最大的一家智能银行位于香港旺角的一所建筑物内,这里曾是一家时尚购物中心,也是世界上人口密度最大的地方。

    The biggest of these is in a former fashion store in Mong Kok , in the new territories near Hong Kong , the most densely populated place on earth .

  9. 利物浦时尚零售购物中心LiverpoolOne的一个女发言人说:与闺蜜逛街,尽管有时候是一个更奢侈的经历,但可以比起独自逛街获得更多的享受。她委托进行这项研究调查了2000个女性。

    A spokeswoman for Liverpool ONE , which commissioned the study of 2,000 women , said : ` Shopping with friends , while sometimes a more costly experience , can often be far more enjoyable than going to the high street alone .

  10. 海VIP时尚流行购物网提供邮政EMS特快专递、递公司两种配送方式。那就寄特快专递吧,这样可以及时送达对方。

    First , the Shanghai VIP fashion popular shopping network provides the post office to send evenly , Postal service EMS special delivery , express company two allocation ways .

  11. 利物浦时尚零售购物中心LiverpoolONE的一个女发言人说:“与闺蜜逛街,尽管有时候是一个更奢侈的经历,但可以比起独自逛街获得更多的享受。”她委托进行这项研究调查了2000个女性。

    A spokeswoman for Liverpool ONE , which commissioned the study of 2 , 000 women , said : ' Shopping with friends , while sometimes a more costly experience , can often be far more enjoyable than going to the high street alone .

  12. 作为时尚和购物中心,香港就好似中国的纽约。

    As a style center and shopping hub , Hong Kong is akin to China 's New York .

  13. 经营一种高品质的生活概念,创造一个时尚的购物天地,便是美美百货的精髓所在。

    The essence of Maison Mode is to operate a life style of high quality and to create a fashionable shopping paradise .

  14. 由于这个原因,3月16日他在东京最时尚的繁华购物街——东京银座——开设了其史上最大的购物店。

    So on March 16th he opened his biggest-ever store in Ginza , Tokyo 's smartest street .

  15. 是一种时尚而新潮的购物方式。

    It is a fashionable and new way of shopping .

  16. 这儿既没奢华的装潢,也没时尚店或大型购物中心那种巧妙掩饰。

    There is no luxury shopfitting here , no confusion with the smooth artifice of a fashion store or a mall .

  17. 我希望通过设计把军品店包装成一个很具有视觉性,很时尚的一个购物空间,从而吸引更多的消费者。

    I intend to design'Ranger'military store to a fashionable shopping space with visuality by re-packing it so as to attract more consumers .