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  1. 我曾想路过时顺便来看看你。

    I thought I 'd drop in on you while I was passing .

  2. 随塑化压力增大,单板的弹性模量有减小的趋势,顺纹抗拉强度呈增大趋势,但当压力增大到一定值时顺纹抗拉强度趋于稳定。

    With the increase of the adhesive pressure , elastic modulus decreases .

  3. 从稳性降低的角度考虑,当船长与波长接近、波速与船速接近时顺浪航行危险最大;

    From view of reduction of stability , when the ship 's length and speed are nearly equal to the length of wave and wave velocity respectively , it is the most dangerous for a ship sailing in the following seas .

  4. 在723K时呈现顺磁性,得到其非晶态居里点是720K,长时间保持723K时,样品有晶化现象,但在晶化温度735K以下,主体仍为非晶态结构;

    The samples are paramagnetic at 723 K and amorphous Curie point 720 K is obtained . A little crystalline appears after keeping 723 K for a long time , but amorphous structure is main below crystallizing point 735 K.

  5. 材料和工艺相同时,顺纹组坯时的胶合强度高于垂直纹理组坯时的胶合强度。

    With same material and technics , bond strength of parallel lay-up is higher than upright lay-up .

  6. 橱柜中抽屉下的滑轮则推拉无声,推拉时手感顺骨,无滞涩感。

    The pulley below the drawer in ambry criterion push-pull is breathed , the feel when push-pull arranges bone , without sluggish acerbity feeling .

  7. 在磨削用量恒定时,顺磨硬化层的深度以及最大残余压应力均大于逆磨硬化层;

    When the grinding parameters are constant , the depth of hardened layer and the maximum of compress residual stresses under down-grinding are greater than those under up-grinding .

  8. 组坯结构与人造板性能关系的基础研究⑤材料和工艺相同时,顺纹组坯时的胶合强度高于垂直纹理组坯时的胶合强度。

    Fundamentals of Wood Composites Properties : Mat Structure and Board Property Relationship With same material and technics , bond strength of parallel lay-up is higher than upright lay-up .

  9. 在该工程的地质条件下,当岩层倾角为38°左右时,顺层路堑边坡的稳定性最差。

    In the engineering geological condition , the stability of the bedding rock cutting slope is in the poorest state when the rock stratum inclination is about 38 ° .

  10. 当综采工作面遇有无炭柱时,顺槽运输设备移动的方法多种多样,今介绍一种快速、经济的顺槽运输设备的整体移动方法。

    When there are pillars without coal in front of a fully mechanized working face , the methods to move equipments along pan are various . A quick , economic whole moving method is presented .

  11. 结果表明,边坡的稳定性随二者夹角的增大而增大;当夹角大于30°时,顺层滑坡的数量明显减少。

    The research result shows that the stability of a dip slope enhances with the increase of the angle between the strikes of slope and strata , and bedding slips occur seldom when the angle is over 30 ° .

  12. 对于房地产抵押权与土地使用权竞合时的顺位,笔者认为前者的效力优先,立法中也应在确认房产和地产一并抵押的同时,有条件地承认房产和地产分别抵押。

    When real estate mortgage compete with land-use right , the former has the effectiveness of priority , legislation should not only recognized that the house and land mortgage at the same time , and also admit them mortgage respectively .

  13. 她给我们讲她的苦难遭遇时,眼泪顺著面颊流了下来。

    Tears ran down her cheeks as she told us about her sufferings .

  14. 我们得知黑颈鹤每年冬季来此过冬时,会顺时针绕飞寺庙三圈。

    The cranes , we were told , circle the monastery three times clockwise when they arrive each winter .

  15. 降雨量较多时,雨水顺山体流下,淹没村庄和城市。

    When it rains heavily , water can rush down the sides of mountains and flood villages and cities .

  16. 不做糕点时,智顺与妹妹就向阿森纳球迷推销韩式烤肉。

    When not working as a pastry chef , Shin teams up with her sister to introduce bulgogi to Arsenal fans .

  17. 由于在校期间学习一般,毕业求职时颇为不顺,额外参加了半年的软件开发职业培训后才进入目前这家公司工作。

    Because of his unsatisfactory grades he has not had a successful career history and only after attending a6 months software development course was he able to join his current company .

  18. 在分析顺层边坡受力状况的基础上,当边坡的坡脚未被破坏时,将顺层边坡视为弹性地基上的悬臂梁,由此提出其失稳破坏的力学模型。

    Based on analysis of the force field in an inclined bedding slope , the authors present a mechanical model , in which the slope is treated as a cantilever beam on the elastic foundation . and by the clearages and bedding ;

  19. 在U,W,J都是正值时,计算了顺磁相的相关能,局域磁矩和反铁磁极化。

    Calculation are made for paramagnetic correlation energy ( E_ ( Corr )), local magnetic moment ( S_m ) and antiferromagnetic polarization ( P_L ) incase U , W and J are all assumed as positive values .

  20. 当温度高于15K时,转变为顺磁性,表现出磁无序结构。

    At above 15 K , such compound exhibited paramagnetic behavior and the disordered magnetic structure .

  21. 当T>262K时,表现为顺磁;

    The sample exhibits paramagnetism when T > 262K ;

  22. 当你在后面跟他翻云覆雨时,我会顺点糖果进口袋。

    and while you 're doing him in the back room , I 'll be pocketing some candy .

  23. 在枣尺蠖和枣食芽象甲混合发生时,使用5%顺反高效氯氰菊酯乳油2000倍液+50%高渗甲胺磷乳油1500倍液防效最佳。

    When the two pests damage at the same time , the mixture of 5 % high active cypermethrin EC at 2000 times and 50 % high penetrable methamidophos at 1500 times has the best control effect .

  24. 箱梁横向计算时,荷载沿顺桥向的有效分布宽度应加以修正,修正后的应力值比按规范计算的高20%~60%。

    When the box girder is transversely calculated , the effective distributed width of the loading along longitudinal bridge should be modified . The modified stress value is 20-60 percent higher than the one by normative calculation .

  25. 整个系统可在风向变化超过±15°时自动迎风,风速大于25m/s时顺桨停机,达到了设计要求。

    The whole system could face the wind automatically when the wind direction angle was greater than ± 15 °, and would stop when the wind speed was greater than 25 m / s , which meets the requirements of design .

  26. 天气变冷时,选用保湿型洗发水;天气潮湿时,则选用顺滑型洗发水。

    When its cold , try moisture-rich formulas and when its humid a product that tackles frizz .

  27. 税收优先权是国家在权衡若干利益时做出的考量和选择,当税收债权与其他债权发生竞合时,如何顺位才能更加公平有效,等等。

    The priority right of the tax revenue is an option and consideration by the state when balancing the overall interests , when the taxation right overlaps other rights , how to give consideration to make the sequence to be more impartial and effective etc.