
  1. 对于女性时尚范儿追求者来说,棒球帽绝对是遮掩油头垢面必备产品。

    For female fashion aficionados , baseball caps are perfect for greasy hair days .

  2. 当然还需要有我时尚范儿十足的未婚妻的支持

    Unless , of course , my fashion-fluent fiance é was by my side .

  3. 据《每日邮报》报道,范宁在参加今年的戛纳电影节时,就身着露肩蓝色牛仔裙,脚穿棕色凉鞋,肩背大手提包,头戴一顶经典自然款巴拿马草帽,把休闲着装穿出了时尚范儿。

    With an off-the-shoulder denim ruffle dress , tan sandals , a tote bag and a Panama classic natural on top , Fanning transformed her casual look to chic on her way to this year 's Cannes Film Festival , according to the Daily Mail .