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  1. 术后18人出现少尿时iv山莨菪碱91±27(60~120)mg/d、呋塞米与免疫抑制剂(治疗组)。

    Other 18 patients with oliguria were injected iv with anisodamine 91 ± 27 ( 60-120 ) mg / d and furosemide 142 ± 71 ( 60-200 ) mg / d for 4-10 d , and immunosuppressant , the former both drugs wee alternated use ( treatment group ) .

  2. 方法:肾移植术后32人。术后14人未发生少尿时iv山莨菪碱47±s12(30~60)mg/d,连续给药7.1±2.9d(4~10d)(预防组)。

    METHODS : There were 32 patients after renal transplantation , among them 14 patients without oliguria after renal transplantation were injected iv with anisodamine 47 ± s 12 ( 30-60 ) mg / d for 4-10 d ( prevention group ) .

  3. 水流动时,山好像也在动。

    As the water flows , the hills seem to move as well .

  4. 当下雨时,山上的泥土被冲到河里去了。

    When it rained , the soil was washed away down the hills and into the rivers .

  5. 谢灵运在经营始宁庄园时,山居建筑大多选址在山峰处。

    It is noteworthy that the mountain buildings which Xie Lingyun constructed in Shining Manor were mostly located at mountain peak .

  6. 本文在时莫干山现存近代建筑进行全面调查的基础上,论述莫干山近代建筑的发展概况和每一时期的建筑特色。

    Based on overall investigation of the extant modern architecture , the article describes the development situation and characteristics of each period .

  7. 当我们仔细地考虑时,山上的宝训显示的是有关动机和行为的叙述,很自然地适用于一个极度和谐而亲密的家庭;

    The Sermon on the Mount , when we look carefully at it , appears to be an account of the motives and conduct which would be natural in a perfectly harmonious and affectionate family ;

  8. 我还记得小时候开运动会时,国会山(ParliamentHill)上红色的砂砾跑道和似乎永远跑不到头的终点线的恐怖场景。

    I remember the horror of sports day as a child on the track at Parliament Hill with its gritty red surface and impossibly distant finish line .

  9. 他开始时租住在山上的一所大红砖房子里,房东名叫让-巴蒂斯特·丹尼斯(Jean-BaptisteDenis)。

    He had started out in a large home up the hill from the local mine , in a red brick house he rented from a landlord named Jean-Baptiste Denis .

  10. 他们正在这样打扮时,基督山伯爵进来了。

    They were thus engaged when the count of Monte Cristo entered .

  11. 我认识索尔时他还是山下国王。

    I knew Thror when he ruled under the Mountain .

  12. 岩相古地理图可以大体反映盆地形成时的盆山格局和原始沉积特征。

    The lithofacies palaeogeography map can show the pattern of basins and mountains and the characteristics of original deposition .

  13. 牧师恰巧做了一个超长的讲道,因此当巨浪袭来时他们还在山上而幸免于难。

    The preacher delivered an extra long sermon , so that they were still out of harm 's way when the wave struck .

  14. 这座房子在建造时是傍山而建,所以底层的厕所、健身房、洗衣房及桑拿间都没有窗户,漆黑一片;

    The house is built into the side of the mountain , so there are no windows for the downstairs bathroom , workout , laundry and sauna room .

  15. 过去写花开花落,花香花飘,大多是看到几株,几棵,或者城市公园和街道两旁栽的各种花草。千山梨花节时看到了山上山下铺满了雪白的梨花。

    In the past to write , flowers floating flowers , mostly to see clumps , trees at , or city parks and a variety of flowers planted along the street .

  16. 现在,斜滑降时,用山上板的外刃,提起山下脚,并靠近接触山上脚,保持平衡,横穿雪道。

    Practice this until you can lift and touch the lower ski to uphill boot at least five times in the traverse , without losing your balance and without diminishing the grip ofthe uphill , little-toe edge .

  17. 我们见面时那里有座山,山边有个湖。

    When we met , there was a lake near the mountain .

  18. 其参照17年前抗击非典时北京(小汤山医院)的经验。

    It will copy the experience of Beijing in the fight against SARS 17 years ago .

  19. 国会领袖们有国会警方配备的全时保安。国会山警方保卫国会大厦及周边地区。

    Congressional leaders have full-time security provided by the Capitol Police , a force that protects the Capitol building and its environs .

  20. 当瘟魔从水下出来时,它闻到山茱萸的气味就眩晕。

    When the devil of plague came up from under the water , it got dizzy by the scent of Cornus and chrysanthemums .

  21. 过了一会儿,当他走上小山丘时,忽然看见山下有只狮子正在吃他的小牛犊。

    Not long afterwards , as he ascended a small hillock , he saw at its foot a Lion feeding on the Calf .

  22. 我们到达港口时太阳快要落山了,大夫和屈利劳尼先生带着我上了岸。

    The sun was going down when we sailed into the port , and the doctor and Mr Trelawney took me on shore .