
  • 网络time-reversal symmetry;time reversal symmetry
  1. 从对称性考虑,铁电/铁磁界面既是时间反演对称性破缺,也是空间反演对称性破缺的,而这正是磁电耦合存在的先决条件。

    From symmetry consideration , the interface between ferroelectric and ferromagnetic is time-reversal symmetry broken and space-reversal symmetry broken simultaneously , which is the prerequisite of magnetoelectric effect .

  2. 第六章研究了斯托克斯和反斯托克斯拉曼位移差与时间反演对称性。

    The difference between the Stokes and anti-Stokes Raman shifts is proposed and theoretically explored on the basis of the time-reversal symmetry of light-scattering experiments .

  3. 非常有意思的是在一定范围的Zeeman交换场的情况下,破坏了时间反演对称性,量子(赝)自旋霍尔态仍然存在。

    Very interestingly , the quantum pseudospin Hall state still exists in a range of Zeeman field , where the TRS has been broken .

  4. 用密度矩阵理论、双能级模型和时间反演对称性推导了LICD的基本公式和存在条件。

    Its fundamental formulae and existent conditions have been deduced using the density matrix theory with a two-level model and time-reversal arguments .

  5. 磁性粒子的时间反演对称性和旋转对称性效应

    Time Reversal Symmetry and Discrete Rotation Symmetry in Magnetic Particles

  6. 物理学的基本方程式里面有种被称为时间反演对称性的特性

    The fundamental equations of physics have a property which is referred to as time reversal symmetry

  7. 数值计算表明,外加磁通对时间反演对称性和电子的谷简并性均有影响。

    The numerical results clearly suggest that the applied magnetic flux breaks the time reversal symmetry and lifts the valley degeneracy in graphene ring .

  8. 推转项的引入破坏了时间反演对称性,单粒子角动量在内禀对称轴上的投影量子数已不再是好量子数。

    The cranking term breaks the time reversal symmetry , and the projection of the single particle angular momentum on the intrinsic symmetric axis is no longer a good quantum number .

  9. 我们的主要研究结果如下:首先,我们利用时间反演对称性和几率流守恒原理对量子波导中电子散射矩阵的性质进行了分析,发现了其转置不变性的特点。

    The main outcomes of our investigation are as follows : First of all , for most quantum waveguide structures we investigate the common characters of the scattering matrix in details , based on the time reversal symmetry and probability current conversation .

  10. 证明了定态时间相关函数不存在时间反演对称性。

    We have shown nonexistence of symmetry with respect to time reversal of the time correlation function of the steady state .

  11. 关键词:时间和空间平移对称性;时间反演对称性;守恒律;对称破缺。

    KEY WORDS : time and space translation symmetry ; time reversal symmetry ; conservation law ; symmetry breaking .