
  • 网络Clock source;clk
  1. 传统的时间同步方法一般都是使用GPS接收机或电话拨号软件、无线电和具有UTC时间的标准时钟源通信对时,实现条件苛刻。

    Traditional methods of time synchronization are communication with standard clock source by telephone dialers or radio , or using GPS receiver , which are harsh to realize .

  2. 高精度的时钟源是由74HC04构成的晶体振荡器;

    The precise clock source is crystal oscillator made of 74HC04 ;

  3. 其以GPS作为时钟源,通过以太网络和其它从设备进行通信。

    Our clock got time source from GPS and communicate with other slave client via Ethernet .

  4. SDH网络中自动选择最优时钟源的实现

    The Realization of Auto-selecting the Best Clocks in SDH Network

  5. 介绍了一种时钟源选择控制方法,从而在SDH网络中各节点能自动选择最优时钟源,并实现时钟的同步。

    A method of selecting the clock sources , which is used in SDH network to auto-select the best clock , is di-cussed .

  6. 文中提出一种基于LMS的动态时戳修正算法,对两个传感器的时钟源同步误差进行自适应估计,实现在GPS时钟源失效的情况下多传感器跟踪航迹同步融合。

    The time-stamp correction online , based on LMS was proposed to estimate the time-source error between two sensors , and track synchronous fusion without GPS time-source was realized .

  7. 锁相软件完成对FPGA的配置,根据参考时钟源优先级选择输入的参考时钟,设定计数使能和计数步长。

    Phase-locked software accomplishes configuration for FPGA , chooses the input reference clock according to the priority of the reference clock source , and sets the enable port and step of counter .

  8. 时钟源和LPF采用了电源控制技术,可在系统闲置时关闭电源。

    The power supply of the source clock and the LPF can be shut off by system controller at idle time .

  9. 该驱动系统在采用单片机片内集成的500kHz模数转换器时工作频率接近500kHz,积分时间由单片机内部的定时器作为标准时钟源确定,精度可以达到50ns。

    The driving frequency is about ( 500 kHz ) when the 500 kHz on-chip ADC is used . The integration time of CCD is determined by the timer inside the CPU , which makes the timing accuracy about 50 ns .

  10. 因此,精准的时钟源设计成为必然。

    So it is necessary to design a precise clock source on chip .

  11. 时钟源的相位抖动参数指标达不到要求,会得系统性能下降。

    The performance of system will decrease if the factors of clock source can not reach our ask demand .

  12. 系统采用单端输入的晶振,故将REFA+接时钟源,REFA-接地。

    The system adopts the single-end input crystal vibration , connects the REFA + with clock source , and grounds the REFA - .

  13. 为了测试这个,做一个外部相位锁定的双时钟源,带有两个时钟有意调节相位关系的节点。

    To test for this scenario , rig up an external phase-locked dual-clock source with a knob that intentionally adjusts the phase relationship of the two clocks .

  14. 在脉冲发生器输出端后加一级驱动电路,再接入计数器的时钟脉冲源输入端,可有效地避免通常发生在实验过程中计数器不规则的跳变。

    To use the way of put a driven circuit behind the pulser , lead through the input of count clock pulse , can avoid the irregular date on the counter during experiment effectively .

  15. 高速时钟信号源是光通信,特别是高速光时分复用系统中的关键设备,如何获得高速信号源是本文研究的重点。

    High-speed clock signal source is the key equipment in optical communications , in particular , high-speed optical time division multiplexing system , how to get high-speed signal source is the focus of this paper .

  16. 着重分析了平台星历、回波时延、目标高度、多普勒中心频率和时钟等误差源与定位精度的关系。

    The emphasis is given on analysis to relationship of error sources to location accuracy on platform ephemeris , echo time delays , target elevation , Doppler center frequency and time clock etc.

  17. 利用DSP的高精度时钟配合同步信号源以提高同步时钟的可靠性。

    The high-precision clock of DSP is incorporated with the GPS clock to improve the reliability of synchronous clock .

  18. 时钟匹配&从源端到器件的时钟线必须完全匹配,因为每当有阻抗失配的情况下,就会有部分信号反射。

    Clock Termination – Traces carrying clock signals from a source to a device must have matching terminations because whenever there is an impedance mismatch , a part of the signal gets reflected .

  19. 它为人们提供精确的实时时间,或者为电子系统提供精确的时间基准,目前实时时钟芯片大多采用精度较高的晶体振荡器作为时钟源。

    It provides people with precise real time or used in electronic system that need the real time clock chip to give time standards . At present , the clock source of Real Time Clock chip usually adopts crystal oscillator with high precision .

  20. 时钟服务是为整个统一网管系统提供与操作系统时间和硬件时间无关的时钟源,包括定时器和时钟同步二个子模块,主要应用于网元层网管。

    Time service provides a time source that is independent of OS and devices for the UMS , it is used in network elements management .

  21. 时钟同步是很多基于网络的关键应用的基础,一般来说,时钟同步是指,使本地计算机的本地时钟同参考时钟源达成一致。

    Clock synchronization is the foundation of many key application based on network . Generally speaking , the definition of clock synchronization is to make the local computer clock concurrent with a standard clock source .

  22. 实时时钟芯片是目前运用最广泛的消费类电子产品之一,需为系统提供精确的时间基准,当前实时时钟采用精度较高的晶体振荡器作为时钟源。

    Real Time Clock ( RTC ) has been widely used for consume electronics , which need accurate timing source for systems . Nowadays , Quartz oscillators provide an accuracy far superior to other conventional oscillator designs .