
  1. 他在业余时间攻读经济学学位。

    He is studying for a degree in economics in his sparetime .

  2. 图书馆服务时间的经济学意义

    The Economical Analysis in Time of library Service

  3. 机器人和其他形式的未来技术可能对人类产生威胁,而对于这个威胁来临的确切时间,经济学们家站成两派,各执一词。

    Economists are sharply divided over the exact timing of the threat from robots and other forms of futuristic technology .

  4. 曾经一段时间以来经济学被广泛地认为是一门充斥着各种图表去研究汇率,国内生产总值等现象的科学。

    THERE was a time when economics was widely seen as a graph-strewn study of exchange rates , gross domestic product and the like .

  5. 早年的时候,我花了大量时间撰写发展经济学论文,我现在真希望当初没花那么多功夫写那些东西。

    I spent a lot of my early years writing papers on growth economics that I wish I 'd never bothered to write .

  6. 一方面,由于我国长期实行计划经济体制,转向社会主义市场经济模式的时间不久,经济学界对价格的认识在一些方面还不统一,尤其是体育理论界,在很多方面的研究还不够深入;

    At one hand , the studies of price is not unified among the economists , especially the sports theorists , because of the short history of market economy in China ;

  7. 在经济学学科发展的过程中,许多经济学家都试图通过将空间维度和时间资源引入经济学分析框架,使之更接近于真实世界的经济活动。

    In the development history of Economics , many economists have tried to introduce the space dimension and time resource into the basic framework of economics to bring it closer to real-world activity .

  8. 本文利用时间序列计量经济学方法研究了江苏能源消费与经济增长的关系,并利用能源强度六部门分解模型分析了江苏产业结构变动对能源效率的影响。

    In this paper , we will use time-series econometric methods to study the relationship of the energy consumption and economic growth . And we will also use energy intensity decomposition model of six six departments to analyze the impact of energy efficiency by the change of Jiangsu industrial sector .

  9. 时间序列分析是经济学和统计学研究的一个热点。

    Time series analysis is the popularity of economics and statistics of research .

  10. 时间序列分析在经济学、信息科学、地理科学等各个领域研究中都是重要的研究工具。

    Time-series analysis is an important tool for many fields , such as economics , information science and geography .

  11. 这等于是将经济学当作自然科学看待。凯恩斯从不这样认为,他认为随着时间的推移,经济学探讨的对象总是在不断变化。

    This is to take economics to be like a natural science , which Keynes never believed it was , because he thought its subject matter was much too variable over time .

  12. 其中,时间维度方面,生命时间哲学、时间经济学、时间地理学和城市时问距离理论是研究城市休闲时间有关的重要理论。

    The lifetime philosophy , the time economic , the time geography and the city time-space rationale are the main theories of the time dimension aspects .