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kuàng dá
  • broad-minded;open-minded;free;broad-mined;bighearted;show deep understanding;big-hearted
旷达 [kuàng dá]
  • [broad-mined;bighearted;show deep understanding] 心胸开阔乐观

  • 时人贵其旷达。--《晋书.张翰传》

旷达[kuàng dá]
  1. 从而形成了他旷达的境界。

    To form the realm of his broad-minded .

  2. 旷达超脱是面对人生苦痛的一种心灵解脱和博大襟怀。

    Broad-minded is unique is faces the life pain one kind of mind to extricate with the great mind .

  3. 多舛的命运和不断追求自我超越的个性使V·伍尔夫形成了一种旷达而又睿智的世界观。

    Woolf , British female writer , her world outlook of sagaciousness and broad-mindedness is formed as a result of her capricious fate and constant pursuit of self transcendence .

  4. 这个令人惶惑不安的现象,扰乱了他的旷达宁静的心境。

    The phenomenon was so striking and disturbing that his philosophical tranquillity vanished .

  5. 冰雪之操与旷达之怀。这些可贵的精神遗产至今尚具有着启发和借鉴意义。

    These valuable spiritual legacies are still enlightening and significant for reference nowadays .

  6. 旷达精神与和谐人生、和谐社会建构

    The Spirit of Open-mindedness and the Construction of a Harmonious Life and Society

  7. 他将他的旷达疏狂完全展现在大江面前。

    Quantm him he would completely mad sparse in the river before the showing .

  8. 另一方面,以旷达的心胸面对死亡,顺其自然。

    On the other hand , we should face the death with broad - minded .

  9. 乐观是失败之后的镇静,乐观是平凡中的旷达,乐观是挫折后的不屈。

    Optimism is the composure after failure , the generosity in ordinariness , the unyieldingness after setbacks .

  10. 李白和苏轼,都是中国文化史上独特的这一个,这就是中国文化史上唯一的真放的李白和旷达的苏轼。

    Li and Su Shu , both are a unique " one " in Chinese cultural history .

  11. 陕北民歌高亢、旷达、苦涩、悲凉、其音乐形象多是生活经验的再现;

    Folk Songs of Northern Shaanxi are typical of its loudness and sonorousness , bitterness and sadness .

  12. 界定豪放的含义为词内容的旷达超脱和词形式的气象恢弘。

    Limits the bold meaning broad-minded unique and the word form meteorology is broad for the word content .

  13. 他当年赚到的钱已经花得一文有剩,所以嘛,除了旷达之外,也实在没有剩下什么别的。

    He had lost every cent he 'd ever made , so there wasn 't much else left but philosophy .

  14. 陶渊明作为一个隐士,反复被赞颂的是其隐士精神,其清高旷达的情操和人格。

    As a hermit , Tao Yuanming is repeatedly canonized for living in seclusion , and his loft and broad-minded personality .

  15. 关中平原在历经数次朝代更迭与岁月的沉积之后,犹如一位饱经世事的老者,显得旷达深沉。

    Guanzhong Plain , experiencing several changes of dynasties and years deposition , looks like an old man , profound and broad-minded .

  16. 姚思安旷达、顺势自然的人生态度,体现着道家思想超然的一面;

    Its hero , Yao Sian 's broad-minded and conveniently natural attitude toward life embodies the detached aspect of the Taoist School .

  17. 这种幽默文风的形成是和他乐观旷达、洒脱随性的人生态度息息相关的。

    The formation of the humorous style is closely related to his optimistic , open-minded , free and easy attitude towards life .

  18. 作为特殊的文化载体,般若经之传译及佛法僧所具的强大文化感召力,使中国美学基于生生之悟更添旷达与超跋;

    Moreover Prajna sutra as a special cultural carrier upgraded the broad-mind and transcendence of Chinese Esthetics with its interpretation and impelling power .

  19. 这既反映了随遇而安的旷达人生观点,又代表了一代文化精神。

    This not only reflects the view of Life-Take the world as you find it , but also represents a generation of cultural spirit .

  20. 这些笑的独特内涵或表现为狂放中的愤懑、或表现为旷达中的悲怨、或表现为嘲讽中的幽恨。

    The connotation of " laughing " is couching resentment under spree , or couching pain under broad-minded , or couching hidden resentment during taunt .

  21. 老天在制造他们的聪明智能,赋予他们勇气和旷达的同时,还随赠了一大包幽默。

    God made them intelligent prided them with courage and generosity , and at the same time , gifted them with a bag of humors .

  22. 而至宋代,士人的“中隐”文化心态则又直接影响到了词中闲适、旷达之风的形成。

    In Song dynasty , scholar ′ s " middle recluse " cultural psychology directly affected the forming of Ci ′ s leisurely and broad-minded style .

  23. 他的词作,或豪放,或婉约,或旷达,均具有较高的艺术成就和一定的审美价值。

    Bold and unconstrained , graceful and restrained , broad-minded , all of his poems possess highly artistic merits and fairly high value of appreciation of the beautiful .

  24. “这对化妆品行业供给了宽敞宽年夜旷达的应用规模,因为他们知道他们可以在所有的化妆品应用中平安地使用这些分手剂,”荷菲克说。

    " This provides the cosmetics industry with plenty of scope , because they know they can use these dispersions safely in all cosmetic applications ," says Hofacker .

  25. 我们只认识不完美的、会死的人类的本性,那么我们要怎样调整我们的人生,使我们可以和平地工作着,旷达地忍耐着,幸福地生活着呢?

    But taking poor , mortal human nature as it is , how shall we organize our life so that we can work peacefully , endure nobly and live happily ?

  26. 寿礼体现了土家族孝顺父母的传统美德;葬礼体现了土家族乐观旷达的生死观。

    Rites of birth for the old incarnate the traditional value of filial obedience and the funeral rites give expression to the optimistic and broad-minded attitude toward life and death .

  27. 吴中四才子的功名心他功名未就,却超脱旷达;

    Hopes of Winning Honor By the Four Talented Scholars in Central Wu Area Neither did he achieved success nor did he win recognition , yet he was unconventional and broad-minded ;

  28. 苏轼以情态意象为媒介,在词中表达出自己随缘自适、物我两忘、积极旷达的生命意识。

    Su Shi take the spirit image as a medium , expresses in the word along with the reason the life consciousness which from suitable , positive broad-minded , the thing I two forgets .

  29. 旷达是中国古代一种有着深度文化蕴涵和特出精神风采的人生态度人格精神,它又在中国古代文艺、文论和人生论、人生实践中都有广泛表现。

    Open-mindedness is a spirit with rich cultural implications in ancient China and finds full expression in the arts , literary criticism , the life experiences and the outlook on life in ancient China .

  30. 检视苏轼三次贬谪时期的书信不难发现,人生的经历使苏轼将儒释道思想杂糅为一体,形成了他超然旷达的人生境界。

    View Su Shi during the three relegated letters not difficult to find life experience made Sushi to Confucianism and Daoism hybridity as a whole , the formation of broad-minded of his transcendent realm of life .
