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pàn jué
  • judgment;sentence;rule;verdict;decide;court decision;adjudicate;decree;finding;call;bring in a verdict
判决 [pàn jué]
  • (1) [court decision;judgment]

  • (2) 封建时代指官府断案,后指司法机关对审理结束的案件作出裁决

  • (3) 体育比赛中裁判员作出的裁判决定

  • 裁判判决黄队犯规

判决[pàn jué]
  1. 论判决推理的含义及模式选择

    Implication and Mode Choice of Court Decision Inference

  2. 判决推理作为法官在裁判过程中最基本的思维模式,不仅是一种思维活动也是一种实践活动;

    Court decision inference , as the most radical thinking mode in judge 's adjudication course , is not only a thinking but also a practical activity .

  3. 法庭准许他对判决提出上诉。

    The court granted him leave to appeal against the sentence .

  4. 后来,上诉法院撤销了对他的有罪判决。

    His conviction was later quashed by the Court of Appeal .

  5. 在一片喊叫和欢呼声中宣布了判决。

    Announcement of the verdict was accompanied by shouts and cheers .

  6. 此问题已由法庭判决,不容争辩。

    The matter was settled beyond dispute by the court judgment .

  7. 关于这项判决,没有上诉权。

    There is no right of appeal against the decision .

  8. 第二盘比赛有一个有争议的判决。

    There was a disputed call in the second set .

  9. 法官对判决有最后的决定权。

    The judge has the final say on the sentence .

  10. 法官的判决成了法律界谈论的中心。

    The judge 's decision became a legal talking point .

  11. 法官判决孩子由母亲监护。

    The judge directed that the mother be given custody of the children .

  12. 陪审团宣告了无罪的判决。

    The jury returned a verdict of not guilty .

  13. 离婚判决令和最终判决之间的期限当时为六个星期。

    The period between the decree nisi and the decree absolute was six weeks .

  14. 他不服判决,准备上诉。

    He plans to appeal against his conviction .

  15. 法庭判决他犯有四项谋杀罪,他表示要上诉。

    He said he would appeal after being found guilty on four counts of murder .

  16. 法官将推迟判决,直到收到有关违法者的医疗报告。

    The judge will delay his verdict until he receives medical reports on the offender .

  17. 法庭判决对她有利。

    The court found in her favour .

  18. 此案件最终作出无罪判决。

    The case resulted in an acquittal .

  19. 法官宣布了判决。

    The judge passed sentence .

  20. 她将这一判决称为真理对谬误的胜利。

    She called the verdict a victory of truth over falsehood .

  21. 对他们的判决是由一个军事法庭秘密作出的。

    They were sentenced by a military tribunal sitting in camera .

  22. 他面无表情地站在那里,听法官宣布判决。

    He stood emotionless as he heard the judge pass sentence .

  23. 他们因殴斗滋事被判决为社区义务服务。

    They were convicted of affray and received community service sentences .

  24. 该国最高法院已推翻了下级法院的判决。

    The nation 's highest court reversed the lower court 's decision

  25. 那项判决已遭到了民权组织的严厉批评。

    That ruling had drawn sharp criticism from civil rights groups .

  26. 最高法院说判决结果依然有效。

    The Supreme Court says that the convictions can stand .

  27. 该法案规定所有死刑判决都要自动接受审核。

    The bill provides for the automatic review of all death sentences .

  28. 阿利奥特告诉辛格尔顿他是依法判决。

    Alliott told Singleton he was passing the sentence prescribed by law .

  29. 一切都取决于对这几个人的判决。

    Everything rides on the judgment of these few men .

  30. 上诉法庭已经撤销对所有11人的判决。

    The Appeal Court has quashed the convictions of all eleven people .