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  • case law;legal precedent;judicial precedent;test case
判例 [pàn lì]
  • [legal precedent] 某些国家经有权机关确认,可以作为法律依据加以援用的判决

判例[pàn lì]
  1. 关于先例判决和判例指导的思考

    The thinking about the precedent judgement and legal precedent guiding

  2. 预期违约,是英美法以判例发展起来的特有制度。

    The anticipatory breach is the British and American law unique system , which develops by the legal precedent .

  3. 这项裁决为今后的诽谤案提供了判例。

    The ruling set a precedent for future libel cases .

  4. 他创立了一套新的判例原则。

    He erected a new doctrine of precedent .

  5. 法律专家说她的案子不会成为判例,因为它是庭外和解的。

    Legal experts said her case would not set a precedent because it was an out-of-court settlement

  6. 判例只能用作实际判决事项的法律依据。

    A case is only authority for what it actually decides .

  7. 书橱上是排得密密匝匝的几排法律书籍和判例汇编。

    On the shelf are serried rows of law books and law reports .

  8. 适用外国的判例法一般就是采用类比方法或者区分辨别方法适用判例中确定的法律规则(Ratio);

    In general , the application of foreign case law is to apply the Ratios established in the cases by way of analogy and distinguishing .

  9. Caldwell是打破绝对合同原则的第一个判例。

    Caldwell is the first case to break the " theory of absolute contract " .

  10. 本文以美国判例法、制定法为线索,以代表性判例为依托,分析了ISP责任的立法和理论演变,讨论了代理侵权、辅助侵权责任和制定法对该责任的补充和细化问题。

    This article analyses the evolution of the theory and legislation of ISP in US by reviewing the case law and statutes . Liability of tort by agents and by assistance and its supplement and details are discussed .

  11. 但国家安全领域的律师表示,布鲁克林的案件也很重要,因为奥伦斯坦法官的判决,有望成为对政府依照《所有令状法案》要求苹果解锁有密码保护的iPhone的权力做出宏观审核的第一个判例。

    But national security lawyers say the Brooklyn case remains important , because Judge Orenstein 's decision is expected to be the first to offer a broad examination of the government 's authority under the All Writs Act to force Apple to unlock passcode-protected iPhones .

  12. 考虑以下问题:你是否会推翻Plessy案的判例或者仅称并不应用在本案当中?

    Ferguson ( 1896 ) . Among the questions to consider : will you overturn Plessy or merely state that it does not apply in this case ?

  13. 在知识前沿,试图找到更先进期权定价模型的金融学者、或者必须裁决Bloggs诉Bloggs判例是否适用的法官,仍必须掌握所有相关信息。

    At the frontiers of knowledge , the finance academic who seeks to find a more advanced option pricing model , or the judge who must determine the case to which Bloggs v Bloggs applies , must still acquire personal mastery of all relevant information .

  14. 判例制度的功能探析

    The analysis on the function of the system of legal precedent

  15. 即主张建立判例法制度和反对建立判例法制度。

    That is claiming and opposing to constitute case law system .

  16. 法律解释方式:从司法解释到判例

    The way of Legal Interpretation : From Judicial Interpretation to Precedent

  17. 从规则到判例:世贸组织法律体制的定位

    From Rules to Cases : An Evaluation of WTO Legal Systems

  18. 第四,行政判例制度有利于实现司法统一。

    Fourth , administrative case system to achieve justice unity .

  19. 论中国引进判例机制的理论基础

    On the Theoretical Basis of Introducing Precedent Mechanism in China

  20. 近期,知识产权判例的作用在日本也越来越重要。

    Recently , IP cases become increasingly important in Japan .

  21. 关于赋予我国判例拘束力的定位分析

    The Analysis of Power Location for the Legal Precedent of Our Country

  22. 判例已经成为促进法律发展的重要动力。

    The judicial precedent is impetus to the development of the law .

  23. 制定法局限性与判例法借鉴

    Limitations of Statute Law Sources and Reference to Case Law

  24. 用判例完善中国的国际私法

    To Consummate Private International Law of China with Case Law

  25. 第三部分,判例制度的生成要素。

    Third part , the factors of case law system .

  26. 法律推理的大前提主要有制定法和判例。

    Here the big premises mainly consists of statue and case law .

  27. 关于我国建立判例法制度的几点思考

    Some Views of China having to Establish the System of Case Law

  28. 你想引用判例法来支持这个荒谬的观点?

    You 're citing case laws to support this insanity ?

  29. 我国法学教育与判例法的务实精神

    On the Chinese Legal Education and the Practical Spirit of Case Law

  30. 建构中国特色判例制度刍议

    A Tentative Study on Constructing Precedent System with Chinese Characteristics