
  • 网络Kunming Dog
  1. 昆明犬是我国唯一的警用犬种。

    Kunming Dog is the single police dog originated from China .

  2. 昆明犬育种核心群选育的研究

    Study on Selective Breeding of the Core Flock of Kunming Dog

  3. 昆明犬选育及导入外血改良前后繁殖性能的比较分析研究

    Comparison of the Reproductive Capability of Kunming Dog between fore and after Breeding and Mating with Foreign Blood

  4. 昆明犬与德牧外形近似,被毛更短,而且站立时体背更高。

    Kunming Dogs are similar in appearance to German Shepherd Dogs but stand taller in the back and have a shorter coat .

  5. 昆明犬作为我国自主培育出来的优良品种犬,已形成狼青、黑背、草黄三个稳定的品系。

    Being an excellent purebred dog , Kunming dog which was bred by Chinese has been bred into three steady inherited breeds wolf cyan , grass yellow and black back Kuning dog .