
  1. 哈士奇犬、罗威纳犬、金毛寻回犬和其他犬种的狗吠叫着,用爪子抓着铁丝笼子。

    Huskies , Rottweilers , golden retrievers and other breeds bark and paw at the wires .

  2. 在《巴黎竞赛画报》的一名同事发表了一些瓦莱丽认为是性别歧视的言论后,她给了这个同事一巴掌,因此也得了个罗威纳犬的绰号。

    She had gained the nickname Rottweiler after she slapped a colleague on Paris Match who said something she deemed sexist .

  3. 在《巴黎竞赛画报》的一名同事发表了一些瓦莱丽认为是性别歧视的言论后,她给了这个同事一巴掌,因此也得了个“罗威纳犬”的绰号。

    She had gained the nickname " Rottweiler " after she slapped a colleague on Paris Match who said something she deemed sexist .